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5 Ways to Generate More Sales on Social Media 

FACT: If you want to succeed in business, you need social media presence.

Social media is now a norm in digital marketing and by far offers the easiest way to establish an online presence, reach your audience, boost engagement, and drive sales. What used to be a platform exclusively for interactions now directly influences a customer’s purchase decisions

From the top of the funnel, consumers use social media to learn more about brands and discover new products and services. Of the 1,000 consumers, Sprout Social surveyed, 78% said they are more willing to buy from a brand on social media. This becomes especially true after a positive experience with the business.

These figures signify that having a social media presence can increase your market reach, tap an engaged audience, build brand authority, and drive traffic to your site leading to increased revenue.

But, how exactly are you supposed to do that? Especially if you start your efforts without thousands of followers or understand social media marketing complexities. In this article, we are sharing tips on how you can get started generating sales on social media.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Businesses


1. Be Where Your Audiences are


As brick-and-mortar spaces shut down, digital storefronts went up, and there’s never been a better time to be on social media—specifically where your target audiences are spending their time online. Today, the top 6 social media platforms with the most active users include the following:

Facebook – 2.91 billion

YouTube – 2.56 billion

WhatsApp – 2 billion

Instagram – 1.47 billion

WeChat – 1.26 billion

TikTok – 1 billion

You can be present on all these platforms, but it can be a little too time-consuming and illogical. So, look at your target demographics instead, and focus on where they are most active. Whatever your case, Facebook is generally a good starting point, considering it has the largest user base.


2. Create Valuable, Engaging Content 



It may seem counterintuitive to say you shouldn’t always sound too salesy on every post. But, if you want to maximize your social presence and build a following, you should also entertain, educate, and engage your audience.

Publish content that encourages your followers to interact—think of contests, giveaways, or even the occasional non-related posts. When done right, these types of content can keep the conversation flowing. They humanize your brand and make it relatable to your audience; when there is engagement, there will be sales.


3. Sell Directly on Social Media—and Make it Easy for Them to Shop



For the longest time, selling on social media looks like this: a business publishes their product/service on their page, and customers can order by commenting on the post, sending a direct message, or clicking on a link that will redirect them to an order form or a website.

But, you probably didn’t know that your followers can already complete their purchase without leaving the page. Enter shoppable posts.

Instagram has Shoppable Posts that allow you to tag products in your posts or Stories. Each tag already has the product’s name, description, and price indicated. Now, when customers are interested in the featured product, they can instantly go to your website and buy it with just a tap on the screen.

On Facebook, there’s a shop section where you can create product listings. Currently, an increase of third-party app developers creates ready to be integrated APIs into the backend of social pages to provide a better shopping experience in Facebook or other social platforms— from payment, support to fulfillment, this gives birth to a rising digital service called social commerce. On the other hand, Pinterest has shoppable pins for an easy and frictionless shopping experience.

4. Partner With Influencers 


Social media influencers are individuals with a considerable base of engaged followers, which may be far more vast than you have. They are your go-to people if you want to reach a wide audience fast—and it incredibly works in this day and age with consumers trusting them for recommendations.

The key to success in this marketing strategy is to find someone with authority in your niche or industry, impacting your target audience’s purchase decisions. You can get them to endorse your brand or honestly review your product/s on their profiles in exchange for some form of compensation. That can be anything from store credits to fixed rates, free samples, discounts, or affiliate links, to name a few.


5. Leverage Paid Advertising 



Advertising on social media can help your business get more visibility, boost site traffic, and generate sales— costs are significantly lower than any form of traditional advertising. It gives you a reach that you wouldn’t easily get with your organic efforts. And when done right, you can maximize its granular targeting capabilities that allow you to target users that are most likely to be interested in your business with pinpoint precision.

The good news? Today, every social media channel has tools that can get your brand out there, right in front of a relevant target audience, increasing your chances of generating more sales.



Success on social media takes time, patience, and constant improvement to generate results. There’s no denying that it’s challenging to get started, but you can rest assured that the benefits you’ll reap far outweigh the difficulties.

As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we have just the perfect solution for businesses looking forward to being online. Contact us at Createmoto today to see how we can help you build a strong social media presence and generate more sales.

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