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A Brief Guide to Using Google Keyword Planner in 2022

By Business, Digital Marketing

A Brief Guide to Using Google Keyword Planner in 2022

People are constantly looking for new content on the Internet, and most of them are using Google to try and find it. They would use a set of keywords or phrases to search for that information.

As a business, you want to show up in relevant searches when users look for products or services —particularly in the top results of the first page of search engines because that’s where you’re most likely to get clicked. However, ranking on the prime real estate on the SERP has its own science. In today’s post, that’s what we will be focusing on: how to show up on the first page of SERPs by using the right keywords.


How to Use Google Keyword Planner for Your Keyword Research 

Keyword research is the basis of any digital marketing campaign. It helps you determine what your target audience is searching for and how to rank it. Google Keyword Planner (is a free resource tool that helps you do just that and more.

You can use Google Keyword Planner for your PPC and SEO marketing efforts. It allows you to discover new search keywords, valuable insights (e.g. search volume and cost for keywords), and performance forecasts that can help you with the following:

  • identify the right keywords to target
  • optimize your website for search engines
  • target keywords for link building and pay-per-click campaigns; and
  • determine the right content for your audience

Step-By-Step Guide to Using Keyword Planner

1. Access Keyword Planner

Using Keyword Planner is free, but it will prompt you to set up a free Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) account. This shouldn’t be a big deal, especially if you’re planning on using the tool for long-term PPC campaigns. When you get access to the planner, you have two options to get started: discover new keywords or get search volume forecasts.

The first option is as easy as it sounds—enter your keyword ideas and discover a broad match of keywords or phrases you can use to reach people interested in your products/services. Meanwhile, you can use the other option to determine the historical trend, search volume, and forecast for specific keywords.

2. Discover New Keywords

Under Discover New Keywords, there will be two tabs: Start with Keywords and Start with a Website.

Start with Keywords – Here, you can enter a list of up to 10 keywords or phrases [separated by commas] relevant to your business. It can be anything that describes your business—the products or services you offer—or the keywords that users are most likely to Google when finding your company.

Start with a Website – Instead of entering keywords, this option allows you to use an entire website or a specific page as a source to bring up keyword ideas you can use. This is a great way to get insights into what your competitors are doing and what keywords they are optimizing and/or bidding for.


3. View Insights

After keying in the terms or the URL, click Get Results. Google Keyword Planner will return with a table of new keyword suggestions, each with the following insights.

Average Monthly Searches – The range of number of searches the keyword receives every month

Competition – A keyword’s competition is ranked low, medium, or high, depending on how many advertisers are bidding on it. The higher the competition is, the more difficult and costlier to target.

Top of Page Bid – This lists the range of price estimates (low range and high range) advertisers would pay for a top page bid.

You can further filter the results based on location, language, search network, and period. Just click the Add Filter tab above the results table. You can also filter out negative keywords with the Exclude keywords in my account option.

4. Get Search Volume and Forecasts

Remember the option for discovering keywords? Get search volume and forecasts. Google Keyword Planner will display forecasts you can expect within the next 30 days for the keywords you enter. These include the following.

  • Total number of clicks
  • Impressions—the number of times your ad would be displayed
  • Overall cost
  • Average position
  • Cost-per-click

Keyword research underpins every SEO and PPC strategy, and Google Keyword Planner offers a lot of value—it’s entirely free to utilize and a good starting point to determine the right keywords you can use to reach out to people who are actively searching for your business. More importantly, it acts as the foundation of your digital marketing efforts to boost your search visibility, rankings, and traffic.

Ready to Get Started? 

You’ve got the basics down. Let us handle the intricacies of Google Keyword Planner and help you build your growth strategy around search terms that matter most to your business.

Get in touch with our digital marketing experts at Createmoto today! 

How to Improve Your PPC Campaign Performance

By Business, Digital Marketing

How to Structure a PPC Campaign That Works

Online shopping is more in-demand than ever, and it’s evident in the increasing number of marketers investing in PPC campaigns. In 2021, Google reported a $53.1 billion revenue which accounted for 81% of the overall sales of its parent company, Alphabet.

When done successfully, PPC—short for pay-per-click—can result in a better ad placement in the search engine result pages (SERPs), which in return can help you drive traffic to your site and generate leads. But, keep in mind that ad placement is only as good as the ad structure itself. When a campaign is not structured correctly, it may not produce the results you expect.


What is an Account Structure?

Account structure is essential to the success of your PPC efforts. But, what does it mean anyway and why does it matter? Put simply, your structure is the backbone of your account that supports many other parts of your PPC campaign, including its overall performance.

In its basic form, an account structure includes campaigns, ad groups, keywords—both targeted and negative keywords—and an ad copy. The number of campaigns you run can depend on several factors such as the following:

  • The products and services you offer
  • The network you use—search, display, maps, shopping, etc.
  • Locations to target
  • Your budget

Each campaign houses different ad groups, each of which targets a specific set of keywords that will trigger a set of ads. Each ad also includes a landing page where you want to direct users to after they click. All these components should be themed and relevant to ensure that the searches triggering your ads are useful to the users. With that said, a basic account structure should look like this:

Ad Account Structure

How to Structure Your PPC Campaign in 2022

The success of your account structure largely depends on your understanding of each component involved. Let’s discuss them further.

1. Campaigns

Your campaign is the topmost category your ad groups will fall under. It may be defined by the types of product you offer, your location, or your target audience. For example, if you are a printing business, you can use your products and services as your campaigns and specify them further in the categories that follow.

2. Ad Groups

Under each campaign are your ad groups which are exactly just that: groups of ads that share similar targets. You can use them to organize your ads by a common theme—usually based on the types of products or services you want to advertise.

Advertisers usually base their ad groups on how they are categorized on their websites. Let’s say you offer corporate gifts and photo prints. You can use them as your ad groups, and each would contain a keyword list that focuses on the products you sell.

While there’s no limit to the number of ad groups to list under a campaign, PPC ad specialists advise against going overboard. It will not only stretch your ad budget but also suffer the results. The golden rule is to keep within the maximum limit of 7-10 ad groups per campaign.

3. Keywords


When a search query matches with a keyword that you target, it will trigger an ad that can potentially attract clicks to your site. It means that your keyword list must be composed of the words and phrases your target users are most likely to search for your product or business: thank-you kits, corporate shirts, custom notebooks, personalized stationery, etc. 

Several tools can help you build your keyword list such as Google’s Keyword Planner. It provides insights into search volume and trends, the historical data of keywords, and more importantly, how much it would cost you to bid on specific terms. This information can help you fine-tune and optimize your keyword strategy in the long run.

4. Negative Keywords

While there are target keywords, there are also negative keywords—terms and phrases you want to exclude from your campaigns. This is particularly useful if you’re bidding on broad match and/or modified broad match keywords where you’re more likely to attract some completely irrelevant search queries that match with your ads.

Keep building upon your negative keywords list to keep irrelevant searches from triggering your ad and save money in the process. It can also help increase your ROI by better targeting your ads towards interested users.

5. Ad Text

An ad text is a copy that will appear when a search query triggers your ad, and one of the secrets to writing one that actually gets clicked is by focusing on the end goal. What can users accomplish with your product/service?

As a printing business that offers corporate gifts, your target audience is more likely to search for phrases like “how to promote my business”. Your headline shouldn’t start with “promoting your business?”—besides being obsolete, you already know that they are. Instead, speak to their end goal by providing the solution to what they’re looking to achieve. Write your headline like this: Promotional Gifts for Your Business.

6. Landing Page

The destination URL is the page on your website where you want to direct your PPC traffic. It can be your home page, service page, or blog. However, because of the cost associated with each PPC visitor you attract, you would want to drive them to a dedicated landing page with a lead generation form on it.

Make sure that the landing page is relevant to the search query. As a user, you wouldn’t want to be served an ad about a publication house when you’re searching for a printing business, would you?

In conclusion, a simple account structure should look like this:

Why Campaign Structure Matters

PPC campaigns are designed for targeting users with already an intent to buy. With paid ads, you can target these users—but only if you target them with an ad copy that matches their intent.

Grouping your keywords into relevant themes allows you to write a better campaign. When all the above factors are tied together, you can help improve your quality score, a metric that can help you secure an ad placement in the SERPs and generate leads.

If you’re new to Google Ads, don’t worry! As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we know the strategies that can help you find success with your PPC campaigns.

Get in touch with us today!

Why Businesses Turn to Digital Marketing to Survive COVID-19

By Business, Digital Marketing

Why Businesses Turn to Digital Marketing to Survive COVID-19

Written By Peach Angeles – Martin

Remember how easy it was for us to drop by at a store to test a new product or inquire directly from a sales assistant? Yeah, well, these buying experiences were heavily affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Other pre-pandemic activities under strict observance include: restaurant dining, mall dates, walks in the park, going to the movies, and attending concerts. Anything that is inessential and involves being in a crowd can range from being limited to outright illegal.

This pandemic led us to realize the importance of human interaction. It has brought changes in our routines, particularly in the online landscape. As consumers turned to e-commerce to shop for products and services, businesses adapted to survive the COVID-19 onslaught.

How Digital Marketing Helps Businesses Survive COVID-19

The unprecedented lockdowns and barriers to face-to-face business posed a serious threat that led to the permanent closure of many businesses across various industries. However, the key to survival is adaptability, which led organizations to become more reliant than ever on their digital marketing strategy to tide them over the pandemic and lessen its consequences. Some of the reasons businesses turned to digital marketing include the following:

1. Make products and services available online

With the restricted movement, businesses need to adjust their offerings—make their products and services easily accessible to consumers even while staying at home. It means making online purchases a convenient process and deliveries available, affordable, and preferably contactless.

2. Reduce the impact of retail closures

A 2020 paper revealed that approximately 70.6% of MSMEs in the Philippines were forced to temporarily close due to the pandemic.  Even as the world gradually reopens, numerous businesses may not recover from their losses. However, that may not be the case for companies that resorted to e-commerce to make up for their loss of foot traffic.

3. Take advantage of the growing market space

E-Commerce Online Shopping Plant Sale

E-commerce was already a fast-growing industry even before the pandemic. Online sales are forecasted to account for 4.7% of all retail sales in the Philippines by 2025—up from the 0.5% share in 2015. The pandemic further fueled that growth as consumers discovered the ease and convenience of online shopping.

Being present online gives you the advantage to tap into this growing market over those that rely exclusively on brick-and-mortar sales.

Digital Marketing in the New Normal

The government is gradually lifting restrictions, and businesses are slowly reopening. However, fears of the COVID-19 aren’t going to disappear overnight—people will remain cautious. Many would still prefer shopping online for safety, added savings, selection variety, and convenience.
Getting started with digital marketing will not only help your business survive but also position it to be resilient in the face of a global threat. It provides you with the platform to succeed in the long term, particularly when traditional shopping is restricted. Consumers are already embracing e-commerce with open minds, which has made this shift easier.

Post-COVID Marketing is Hybrid

It’s clear that, moving forward, digital marketing is not an option but rather a necessity for businesses to survive. In-person retail sales may continue to increase as COVID-19 cases decline, but you should expect unprecedented situations that may temporarily accelerate online orders and deliveries.
The key to surviving in today’s unpredictable situation is to operate with an offline-online marketing approach. Your customers will appreciate you for giving them options as to how they would transact with you.

Is Your Business Digitally Resilient?

Digital marketing offers opportunities to build a better normal. As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we can help make your business resilient during the pandemic. We’ll guide you through your digital transformation journey, so you’ll come out stronger than ever. 

We would be glad to discuss this further with you. Get in touch with us at Createmoto today!

Here’s Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy in 2022

By Business, Digital Marketing

Here’s Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy in 2022

Written By Peach Angeles – Martin

Ah, 2022: a clean slate and a time where we plan for the year ahead. While most businesses are focusing on research and development, expansion, and probably recovering from the pandemic hangover, it’s also time to consider upping your digital marketing strategy—or at least include it in your efforts if you haven’t.

As consumers resorted to online shopping, forward-thinking businesses quickly adapted, accelerating their digital marketing efforts more than they were prepared for. It can be challenging to keep pace with customer demands or at least with industry marketing standards. However, understanding the state of the industry today can guarantee the success of your strategy tomorrow.
In this article, we’re looking into why you need a digital marketing strategy in 2022.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is any marketing effort that leverages online channels to provide a more seamless and personalized customer experience. Think of it as an umbrella term for the following digital initiatives:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Content marketing
  • Social media
  • Email marketing
  • Affiliate marketing; and
  • Paid ads, etc.

Key Digital Marketing Statistics in 2022

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions, there’s been a surge in e-commerce, especially with consumers purchasing goods and services digitally. This has raised e-commerce’s global retail sales share from 14% in 2019 to an estimated 19.6% in 2021. The figure is forecasted to make up close to 25% by 2025.

Indicated below are other interesting statistics explaining why digital marketing should be prioritized in 2022.

  • There are over 4.95 billion Internet users in 2022, or 62.5% of the global population. Approximately 4.48 billion are also active on social media.
  • An average social media user has 8.4 accounts in 2022—up by 75% from the 4.8 accounts per person in 2014. Each person spends an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes a day.
  • In 2020, over 2 billion people purchased goods and services online, fueling e-retail sales to reach over $4.2 trillion worldwide. This amounted to $4.9 trillion in 2021 and is estimated to grow by a whopping 50% in the next three years, surpassing $7.4 trillion by 2025.

In a nutshell, having an online presence is a great way to keep your business at the top of mind by your audience. It allows you to directly engage with them, influence their purchasing decisions, and help build trust, loyalty, and relationships that encourage repeat purchases.

These days, most digital channels provide insights that allow you to benchmark your efforts and determine where you should be investing more resources to expand your reach.

As a business owner, you might think that the need to be online is a no-brainer, given the pace at which marketing is changing. Below are a few circumstances that call for an effective digital marketing strategy in 2022.

Why Do You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy in 2022?


1. You lack SMART goals

Businesses without a digital marketing strategy often don’t have a clearly defined plan to attract new clients and maintain existing ones. In these cases, it’s also likely that you run digital marketing campaigns aimlessly without looking into insights that could help you achieve your goals.

How a digital marketing strategy can help:
By definition, a SMART goal is specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-bound. Setting these goals will help you take a more structured, data-driven approach to get the most out of your digital marketing efforts. It also eliminates the risk of overlooking details crucial to your success.

Some examples of SMART objectives include:

  •  Achieve 10% e-commerce revenue within x years.
  • Gain x new customers at an average cost per acquisition (CPA) of x. 
  • Increase online sales to x per customer.

2. You don’t know who your audience is

You don’t necessarily need to reach everyone with your marketing campaigns. But instead, only target the ones that will benefit most from what you offer—your target audience. 

No two target audiences are the same. A plumbing business may want to reach a different audience than an insurance advisor. Similarly, you can have multiple target audiences, including those you haven’t even thought of.

How a digital marketing strategy can help: 

Today’s most digital marketing platforms are equipped with tools that provide insights about your audience and their common characteristics. These include their demographics—age, location, hobbies, income level, internet device, prior purchases, engagement with your business or similar businesses, and more. 

With this information, you can determine what content will resonate most with your audience; identify the appropriate tone and voice for your message. The best marketing message will make your audience feel like you’re speaking directly to them. 

3. You’re wasting too much time and money on marketing

Even when you have enough resources, it’s frustrating to waste them on aimless, ineffective marketing. It is often the case when a business focuses on marketing instead of first figuring out where they are headed, who they are selling it to, and why their customers care.

How a digital marketing strategy can help:

An effective digital marketing strategy is all about efficiency. For example, identifying your target audience allows you to develop highly targeted ads and deliver personalized messaging. It not only streamlines your marketing efforts and keeps your resources focused on growth but also increases your ROI per ad spent.

With all its automated tools, digital marketing can also help you save time and effort. For instance, through automated email tools, you can create pre-scheduled, high-quality content that’s personalized for your audience.

The Importance of Digital Marketing in 2022

A digital marketing strategy isn’t only some kind of a nice-to-have if you want to make the most out of your marketing budget—it’s everything. It’s your action plan, specifically your step-by-step guide on how to reach your marketing goals. 

An effective strategy should help you do at least four things: tell your audiences that you exist, build a relationship with them, let them know that you can solve a problem they have, and encourage them to buy your products/services. 

Do You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy to Implement? 

If you’re tired of wasting money on aimless marketing or slow sales processes, then it’s time to get your digital marketing strategy right. 

At Createmoto, we create results. As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we can help you create a digital marketing strategy that drives the most profitability for your business online. 

Let’s get started! Get in touch with one of our experts today. 

Digital Marketing for Startup

By Business, Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing For Startup


Have you seen the Netflix Series: Startup?

14% out of 9 of 10 startup failures come from poor marketing. Your business is in tough competition with long-standing companies with millions of equities to burn. How you spend your initial capital wisely is a great challenge.

Digital Marketing helps startups tap targeted customers and reach new clients without breaking the budget. Using the power of digital, focus more on finding ways to get customers knocking on your door. Your digital approach builds your customer’s and client’s journey to help you increase your chances to become a unicorn.

Without effective digital marketing, it doesn’t matter how good your products or services are. 78% of the startups consider funding requirements as their major pain point.


Search Engine Marketing for Startup


How to get as many clients and customers as much as you can handle is not a phenomenon to achieve as long as you have the right contents that will act as your sales machine whenever you’re not around.


  • Whether you like it or not, being the best in your niche is your only hope to excel in the world of business aside from having a good connection.
  • Produce as much content as you can to help nurture your prospective clients in an early stage
  • Invest in the most third-level keywords for your ads (at least 5-10 keywords depending on your budget advertising)


Paid Media Advertising for Startup

As a startup company, you won’t expect clients or customers to respond to your queries unless it is a laser target approach for that specific niche and here’s our cheat sheet to help you consider the best platform for your budget spending:


We know you’re looking for the best strategy, and we’re here to help:

Let us help you be part of the digital campaign revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

Get a FREE quote today!

Digital Marketing for Restaurant

By Business, Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing For Restaurant

Digital Marketing can help your restaurant cost-effectively reach more customers.

The restaurant business has always been one of the most challenging businesses to thrive, especially with the pandemic altering most of its function and dramatically impacting the global restaurant industry, which pushed it to go digital.

So how can you rise above the others and put the odds in your favor in this highly competitive environment?

It is important to understand how to market to your audience and ask the questions, “How will I get the attention of my market?” “How will they know my restaurant exists?” and most importantly, “How do I do it?”

The key ingredient is an effective digital marketing strategy that capitalizes on your food and restaurant offers to attract existing and new potential customers.


Search Engine Marketing for Restaurant

Create an impactful keyword for your business by gathering the information of what your customers search online. Content is the key to populate your restaurant digitally and it will help you rank with the most third-level keywords in an early stage.

  • Content marketing will help you increase the popularity of your website
  • Promote your business locally
  • Maintain top speed load for your site to make your audience explore your food instantly


Instagram Marketing for Restaurant

Mouthwatering stories are the main factors why your customers visit your restaurant and Instagram is the best place for your business to scale digitally.

  • Populate mouthwatering images for your fans on Instagram
  • Reviews will boost the credibility of your restaurant
  • Invite Food Vloggers to make their followers engage with your restaurant


Facebook Marketing for Restaurant

Engage organically with your fans and audience by creating a stunning post that will supplement their journey to become loyal customers

  • Create a nurturing post for your audience for the best deal and promotions
  • Communicate with your audience by uploading stunning videos (b-roll style)
  • Positive reviews are one of the vital key points that will increase your customer journey

Is Your Restaurant business ready to run a high conversion campaign?

Let us help you be part of the digital campaign revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

Get a FREE quote today!

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