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PPC for Lead Generation: How to Generate Quality Leads

You’ve got a great idea—a product or a service—that you are so convinced will sell. So, you set up an online shop and wait for the money to come in. It all seems fun and jazzy until you realize that, after a while, you aren’t really getting any sales.

No matter how ~brilliant~ your business may be, that wouldn’t do much if it’s not reaching the right people. When you can’t seem to sell and yet you feel you’ve done everything right, there’s probably a step you have missed, if not taken for granted: lead generation.

As a business, you have to constantly attract new clients and maintain relationships with them. In today’s digital era, the most effective way to generate leads is to drive users towards your website with the use of well-placed ads. This is where PPC efforts prove to be useful.


What is PPC Lead Generation?



Short for pay-per-click, PPC is an advertising model in which you pay a publisher—let’s say Google—every time your ad is clicked on. It goes by many names such as Google Ads, search engine marketing, and paid search, but they are all essentially the same thing.

With PPC, you technically buy the visitors to your site, increasing their likelihood of converting into leads and eventually into sales. The problem? It’s not as easy as it sounds.

While PPC advertising drives revenue, it can also waste your valuable time and money if you’re not doing it properly. This is why it’s necessary to figure out how you can improve the quality of your PPC leads to generate a higher ROI while reducing wasted time and resources.


How to Generate Quality Leads with PPC 

1. Identify your Audience



Effective advertising is all about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. The first thing you have to know when creating a PPC campaign is to understand who your end customer is.

Analyze your data and understand who you’re trying to turn into customers based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education, location, etc. This information will prove valuable in the different stages of your PPC lead generation strategies, such as creating a buyer persona, writing a better ad copy, or setting up a landing page.


2. Target customers on different stages of the funnel



A common practice among advertisers is to set up campaigns for every product or service they offer. But, regardless of your strategy, it’s essential that you target your audience depending on what stage of the marketing funnel they are in.

It means creating more specific ads and crafting your messages to account for their varying needs. For example, at the top of the funnel are visitors exploring their options and who are not yet ready to purchase. Here, your message can be informational rather than sounding too salesy.

As a visitor moves lower down the funnel, you’ll have more opportunities to earn their trust and raise awareness. During this time, you should craft your ad in a way that would foster relationships and eventually attract them to purchase. What’s great about PPC is that it offers tools that allow you to effectively advertise on various stages of the funnel. These include the ability to bid on multiple keywords and constantly customize your ads for each marketing stage.


3. Use the right keywords



Keywords determine where your ads should appear. Having said that, make sure that the ones you are targeting match every part of your campaign—from the ad copy to the landing page. Your ad should provide potential customers with a direct solution to the problem they are searching to solve.

Some ways to generate a list of keywords to target include:

  • Understanding the keywords your competitors are bidding on and retrofitting them into your existing campaigns; and
  • Using keyword research tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, to determine the keyword variations your target audience searches for in different search engines.


4. Track the Results and Refine Your Strategies




What sets digital marketing apart from any form of traditional marketing is that it provides you with actionable insights—data and statistics that allow you to determine the methodologies that work and what don’t.

With tools like Google Ads, you can track your campaign’s performance, including the leads generated and the money you spent. With this information, you can further refine your keywords and ultimately improve the quality of your leads.





With these steps, you’re well on your way to generating high-quality leads using PPC advertising. As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, our goal at Createmoto is to gear you to success regularly with your PPC efforts.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how you can keep optimizing your campaigns and attract more high-quality leads. 

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