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7 Steps to an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy in 2022

By Business, Digital Marketing

7 Steps to an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy in 2022

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has proved, it’s that anyone can start a business.

It wasn’t that long ago when seemingly most of our Facebook friends started selling goods—baked goodies, food trays, plants, handmade items, etc.—and offering services like the genius pasabuys in shops or local food deliveries. It was also during the lockdown restrictions when live selling skyrocketed as a form of marketing and sales channel with consumers becoming more receptive to shopping via live streaming.

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of launching a business at the height of the pandemic—and both hands if you’re doing business and marketing it primarily on Facebook. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, it’s no wonder it’s the most used social media platform worldwide and is at the core of many small business digital marketing strategies.

However, if you want your business to stand out, you’re going to need to step up your Facebook marketing strategy.


How to Create an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy 


1. Set Goals



Every successful marketing strategy starts with setting the right goals—much like you shouldn’t expect perfection by cooking without the right ingredients, do not post blindly on Facebook and expect massive results.

By setting goals, it’s easier to measure your success and ensure that you’re on track. These goals don’t necessarily always involve money or return on investment. Goals can also look like these:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Drive site traffic
  • Generate new leads
  • Boost community engagement

While Facebook may be the most prominent networking channel today, it would be useless in the absence of an effective strategy. This is an area where a digital marketing agency can help—create a strategy that is tailored to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be.

2. Identify Your Audience



A target audience is composed of existing and potential customers that are more likely to purchase your products and services. They can be further grouped based on their demographic information such as age, gender, income, location, hobbies, etc.

The first step to know which consumers to target is to identify who will benefit most from your business and then start narrowing it down from there. You can also look into what your client base has looked like in the past—what characteristics do they share? By knowing who your target audience is and understanding their pain points, you’ll be better able to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.

3. Boost Engagement



As a brand, you shouldn’t just cross your fingers and hope that conversations happen by themselves. Instead, take the initiative and create exciting, meaningful conversations that your target audience would love to participate in.

Take a cue from brands with the best social media strategies today. The ride-hailing app, Angkas, for example, is famous for its deadpan, witty posts, and hilarious memes. It’s the kind of an engagement strategy that makes users keep tabs on its page—something that you would want for your business, too.

4. Plan Your Content



While we’re on the topic of engagement, it’s time to draft your content. There are at least two factors to consider here: the type of Facebook posts to publish and the time at which you will post them.

  • What type of posts do best on Facebook? 




There are at least two factors that determine what posts do well on your Facebook page: what people enjoy seeing on your feed and what posts Facebook rewards or serves to more people. Some types of Facebook posts you can try to engage your audience include polls, videos, images, questions, events, texts, links, etc.

  • When is it best to post on Facebook? 



According to a 2021 study, the best time to post on Facebook is anywhere between 1 pm and 3 pm during weekdays and Saturdays. It also found that engagement rates are 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays.

Why is it important, though? By posting at the right time during the day, you are likely to have more engagement—likes, comments, and shares.

5. Explore Various Facebook Features



While you may be familiar with most of what the platform offers, you’re probably not using some as you have to—not realizing the benefits you are missing. Let’s take a look at live selling as an example.

Small-scale businesses have transitioned from brick and mortar to doing sales online to sustain operations during the pandemic. Many of them, particularly the ones in the fashion business, use live selling to showcase their items in real-time, and studies reveal that it works.

A 2021 Facebook study found that 1 in 4 people browse live selling streams on social media. Meanwhile, at least 85% of the 12,500 surveyed assumed their live shopping purchases would increase during that year. As a retailer, this feature gives you access to an engaged audience with just the use of equipment you probably already have—an internet connection and a smartphone or laptop for capture.

6.  Leverage Facebook Ads



It’s no secret that Facebook’s algorithm updates in the past are geared towards forcing businesses to leverage paid ads. While that’s the case, it’s good to know that Facebook ads are one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising today and are equipped with various features to make the most out of your spending.

It has A/B testing, targeting, remarketing, and reporting capabilities that allow you to keep track of your performance and adjust your efforts where necessary. Overall, you can use Facebook advertising to promote your page, reach a wide audience, generate leads, and boost conversion.

7. Track and Measure Results 

You have set your goals, planned your posts, and created your ads. The next step is to start tracking and measuring the performance to determine whether your marketing campaign is successful. Facebook has analytics that tracks various metrics such as audience growth, page impressions, video views, link clicks, and content engagement.

At this point, it would help if you also calculated your ROI to plan your future campaign spend—refocus your resources on efforts that yield more positive results.




Facebook offers a wealth of marketing opportunities that can deliver great success when maximized. However, understanding how to strategize effective campaigns on the platform is essential to achieving your goals. If you’re still just getting started, a digital marketing agency can give you the much-needed direction to kickstart your Facebook efforts.

As a game-changer in the digital marketing industry, we know the techniques that will work for you. Get in touch with our experts today to learn more.


Facebook ads are the cornerstone of many small businesses’ marketing strategies.


However, you’re going to need an excellent Facebook marketing strategy if you want your business to stand out among the 50 million businesses on Facebook!


How many users does Facebook have? With roughly 2.91 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2021, Facebook is the most used online social network worldwide.Feb 14, 2022

Digital Marketing For Automotive

By Business

Digital Marketing For Automotive


Digital Marketing to Help You Drive Results

Automotive Philippines

Get more leads and turn them into customers!

Only 1 in 3 potential car buyers know exactly the vehicle they want to purchase.[1] As 95% of consumers use online as a digital source of information.[2] How your dealership or automotive brand adapts to stay relevant is the big question.

By maintaining your automotive brand across all networks, we create seamless customer experiences that increase interest, brand equity, and sales. As purchase consideration for vehicles increases,[3] omni-channel marketing is not an option but a necessity. Our approach in digital marketing for automotive and dealers focuses on making your customer’s experience personal from discovery to sale.

Createmoto identifies the right target audience and nurtures them in a path that follows a purchase. Using digital fundamentals, we supplement your brand-building efforts by creating digital bridges and information to guide them in a decision on why your vehicle is their perfect choice.


Facebook Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Facebook is one of the most powerful platforms for every auto dealership. A promotional campaign will gather a massive targeted audience to be filtered through a series of lead nurturing.

  • Boost organic traffic engagement by creating a series of captivating campaign performance
  • Get more leads by identifying your target audience with an enhancement of your campaign budget optimization
  • Nurture your audience by creating a series of ads to shape their buyer’s journey


Google Ads


Lure your audience by finding the right keywords for your campaign. Engage with your audience by generating the right content to lead their search effort into your sales funnel.

  • Focus on at least 20-40 keywords depending on your budget to create a lead funnel for every car or truck
  • Target at least five competitor keywords to divert traffic to your landing page
  • Track every single lead by using CRM: (HubSpot, Zapier, and Monday)


Website Landing Page


An effective landing page leads to higher conversion. With proper content for your site and with the help of your omnichannel campaign, you will create a lead vacuum site that will engage to help turn your visitors into customers.

  • Compelling content with a quality score of 10/10
  • Strategically designed content for every visitors to produce a unique nurturing experience
  • A lead form right on top of your page (80% chance of signing up)


Is Your Auto Dealer business ready to run a high conversion campaign?

Let us help you be part of the digital campaign revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

Get a FREE quote today!

Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore

By Business

Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore


Over the past year, digital transformation has accelerated, and it has been a roller coaster ride ever since. 

The social media landscape is evolving rapidly. The “new normal” forced us to adapt and keep up with the unpredictable consumer behavior and radical changes in the business climate.

That’s why, if you want your business to stay afloat and keep your marketing game on point even during the time of the pandemic, your business should not only survive but thrive in the evolving market. So, here are some digital marketing trends that you should take note of :

Adapting AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Businesses that have adopted Artificial Intelligence have grown due to the pandemic. Not only this reduced staffing costs and can be used for an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior and data.

    • Chatbots:
      Since it’s available 24 hours and can answer basic inquiries, forward-thinking businesses have adopted chatbots to easily connect with consumers.
      Chatbots are expected to cut business costs by $8 billion by 2022. (Impactbnd) 

Video marketing

Study shows that in 2020,99% of business used video marketing, and about 92% said it had become an important part of their digital marketing strategy. Moreover, given the statistics, video marketing will continue to dominate in the coming years.  Read more: Video Marketing Trends for 2021

    • Live Streaming:
      Because of the lockdown, human-driven content such as live streams increased to 50%-70%. The study also shows that 80% of consumers prefer watching live videos.
    • TIP: In an interview, Neil Patel mentioned that doing live interviews simultaneously with your partner is a good way for two different audiences to get to know each other and with this content spread much faster.

Take note of Influencer Marketing

Businesses are now paying attention to influencers that resonate most with consumers to build a strong digital presence. Authentic influencer storytelling that speaks their audience’s language makes it easier for the brands they partner with to make an impact there because they already know the platforms well, READ MORE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/01/27/three-emerging-influencer-trends-for-2021/?sh=47fc54461a78

Be there for Micro-Moments

    • Micro-moments is an intent-rich moment where consumers want what they want and are drawn to brands that deliver on their needs. There are four moments where brands should make the most of:
      • I-want-to-know moments
      • I-want-to-go moments
      • I-want-to-do moments
      • I-want-to-buy moments



These trends are just some of the things you should watch out to boost your business, generate impact and take your digital marketing game to the next level! 

Make your business digitally ready to generate leads! Check out our blog for more helpful tips about digital marketing.



Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore This 2021




Digital Marketing For Your E-Commerce

By Business


E-commerce marketing solutions are proven to generate leads and increase conversions

Filipinos have increased their online shopping by 57% during the first half of 2020—the highest in Southeast Asia. They have also recorded a significant rise in mobile shopping app usage and downloads as e-Commerce and digital services become more accessible in the Philippines. 

As consumers continue to move online, how can you keep pace with their increasing demands for more options, easier access, and faster delivery? With e-commerce marketing services that allow you to integrate your in-store and online offerings to create a seamless shopping experience for them.


Your Digital Marketing Success Starts Here

Your Digital Marketing Success Starts Here

Createmoto is a lead-generation and results-driven digital marketing agency based in the Philippines.

Createmoto is a lead-generation and results-driven digital marketing agency based in the Philippines. We offer e-commerce services that help businesses boost their online presence, drive more traffic to their website and generate sales.

With our e-commerce marketing strategies, we can help you transition from brick-and-mortar trade to cross-border e-commerce. We empower your brand with the opportunity to attract new markets, engage your audiences, and create a personalized experience that leads customers to make a purchase.


Optimize Your E-commerce with Digital Marketing

Optimize Your E-commerce with Digital Marketing

Increase your digital presence online.

The key to a successful e-commerce site is to minimize the barriers to making a purchase. A website has to be:

  • User-Friendly 
  • Quick-Loading 
  • Mobile Responsive 
  • Secured; and 
  • Has Easy Check-Out Features

We have the e-commerce marketing solutions to do that.


E-Commerce Website Design + Development

E-Commerce Website Design + Development

It takes more than having an e-commerce site to succeed in online business. It also has to be optimized for sales to attract visitors to add to cart and checkout.

It takes more than having an e-commerce site to succeed in online business. It also has to be optimized for sales to attract visitors to add to cart and checkout.


Shopify for E-commerce

Shopify is one of the leading e-commerce platforms with an easy set-up process, user-friendly interface, and 24/7 customer support. We can help you design and set up your Shopify website to serve as your online storefront.

  • Build an attractive store customized for your brand 
  • SEO strategies to optimize your site and help them rank higher in Google search results 
  • Maintenance and support so you can do what you do best—business


WooCommerce for E-commerce

WooCommerce is an attractive option to new store owners that hosts over 3.8 million sites worldwide. If you already have a WordPress site, it’s easier to build a WooCommerce store on top of it. We can help you get started on your e-commerce strategies through the platform. 

  • Create a shopping site with a neat design and user-friendly interface 
  • SEO strategies to boost the quantity and quality of traffic to your site 
  • Leverage WooCommerce’s social media integration features


Social Media Marketing for E-commerce

Social media has become an essential element in boosting online sales. With our services, we will utilize social media to boost your offerings and drive more traffic to your site. 

  • Establish social media presence and connect directly with your customers 
  • Boost engagement to improve brand loyalty 
  • Build an audience and drive traffic to your site


Affiliate Marketing for E-commerce

Our e-commerce strategies also include helping brands expand their reach through affiliate marketing. We leverage the power of influencers—anyone with a blog or social media following to promote your products and services. We also attract sales with coupons, deals, and other promos. 

  • Leverage the power of niche influencers 
  • Build a reliable and profitable affiliate network 
  • Drive more sales through affiliate promotions from multiple sources


Facebook Ads for E-commerce

In 2020, there were over 73 million Facebook users in the Philippines, which accounted for 56.4% of its total population. Aside from connecting with people, Filipino users also rely on the platform as a primary source of news and for discovering retail products. As a business, we can help you bank on Facebook to get your products in front of your audience. 

  • Omnichannel solution to access your target audience, expand your reach and improve visibility 
  • Targeted campaigns for higher conversions with lower CPM
  • 8x or higher Return on Ads Spending (ROAS)


Is Your Business Ready for E-Commerce?

Let us help you be part of the e-commerce revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

Get a FREE quote today!

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