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5 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate Using Social Media

By Business, Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate Using Social Media

Over 4.62 billion people worldwide now use multiple social media platforms to shop online, market, and advertise products. Given these statistics, business owners don’t even need to think twice about transitioning their business online. Though let’s be honest, marketing your products on various social media platforms and trying to convert new visitors into customers is not as easy as it seems. To help you with your social media journey as a digital marketing agency, we enumerate 5 ways to Improve your Ecommerce Conversion Rate using Social Media. 

1. Use the Right Social Media Platform for Advertising

Putting your business online doesn’t mean you need to jump on every social media platform. By narrowing your choices and focusing efforts on the right social networks for your business, you’re allocating your time more efficiently by only putting yourself in front of those who are more likely to become customers! But first, you need to identify who your target audience is. Check these 3 Influential Social Media Platforms to help you attract new people directly to your online store:


  • Ranks Top 2 for the most popular social media platform.
  • 9.3 percent of Facebook users are women between the ages of 18 and 24 years old, and male users are between 25 and 34.


  • Ranked 4th of the most used social media platforms in 2022, with over 1.386 billion active users worldwide.
  • Instagram is a visual telling platform that can help you promote your products and services by posting eye-catchy quality photos and videos! “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
  • Instagram is also one of the fastest-growing platforms with a business feature that you can use to help promote your brand and help you direct your target audience to your company’s landing pages and e-commerce sites.


  • Pinterest users come to the platform for inspiration since it is known for its interruptive display where ads are additive.
  • Pinterest’s famous ‘Pin’ represents every idea or product. This Pin is an image searched and saved by the users, and this Pin can also link back to websites or original sources, which is why Pinterest is great for driving traffic to your site.

2. Optimize Your Website

Customers are all about instant gratification. They want everything to be quick and easy. There is a saying, your brand is not the most important thing for your customers, but convenience. Why? In a world where everyone has adapted to become digitally native, with new access to binge watching, grab deliveries, latest news, and trends, everyone is now used to getting everything with a “now” mindset. Taking the time and effort to optimize and improve your website is one of the ways to increase audience engagement and your conversion rate. We recommend you apply these elements to provide a better and more rewarding customer shopping experience:

Be more clear and precise

  • Apply a neat and simple yet appealing design to your website
  • Create a strong and straightforward headline
  • Use an eye-catching clickable call-to-action button

Provide a seamless user experience

  • Generate a user-friendly and responsive website
  • Simplify your check out operation
  • Add multiple payment methods 

Speed Up Your Website’s Performance

  • Run a speed test using free benchmark tools that are available for free such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. To make sure it’s optimized, you should be getting a speed of 80+ and 70+ in desktop and mobile respectively.
  • Avoid using high-resolution images like PNG or GIFs that cause the website to load slowly. Use JPEG instead, especially for larger images.

3. Establish Customer Trust

Building genuine relationships with your customers serves as a foundation for business growth. Think of it this way; you keep posting on different social media platforms but is that enough to build trust with your audience? Probably not. Research shows that 81% of customers are more likely to buy when they trust a brand. Here are more ways to help you establish customer trust:

Provide an Outstanding Customer Service

  • Always put your customer first
  • Personalize your service
  • Respond with a positive attitude, and in a timely manner

Expressing Empathy

  • When addressing concerns, try putting yourself in your customers’ shoes to help you clearly understand the issue from their point of view.
  • Making the customers feel heard and respected can lead to customer satisfaction and brand loyalty
  • Always let your customers feel they are cared for

Be Authentic and Transparent Online

  • Convey your business’ values
  • Show your behind the scenes business operations 
  • Address, admit, and rectify minor mishaps instead of covering them up

4. Propose Incentives

Incentivization is one of the most accessible paths toward a successful conversion rate. It can also help you strengthen and maintain loyalty from your regular customers by letting them know that you value and appreciate them. Offer Price-based incentives that will motivate customers such as:

  • Exclusive promos
  • Free shipping
  • Customers Recognition
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Loyalty Programs
  • Product bundle
  • Free returns
  • Insider info
  • Discount codes
  • Rewards per purchase

5. Provide Social Proof

Social Proof increases your conversion rate, especially when including it on landing pages. It also leads to word of mouth as consumers nowadays find new brands to follow through with suggestions and recommendations when shopping online. Encourage your customers to comment on their experiences by providing a review section on product pages and giving out incentives. Here are different types of social proof and their advantages:

Influencer Endorsement

  • Select an influencer that is relevant and suitable for your brand
  • Can promote your brand using different types of social media
  • Can help you reach a broad audience

Customer’s Reviews and Testimonials

  • Provide an honest experience about your product or services
  • Provide proof that your business is trustworthy
  • Establish credibility and reliability

Number of Product Users

  • Online shoppers are less likely to purchase products from a lesser-known brand. Showcasing customers who have already purchased your product or services is a powerful form of social proof.

Overall, your goal as an eCommerce business is to drive more sales. And while many other digital marketing channels can help you reach your business goal, social media is still the most promising platform that guarantees you to achieve a promising conversion rate. 

Connect with us at Createmoto today, and let us help your business scale efficiently! 

A Highlight of Effective Marketing Tips for Restaurants

By Business, Digital Marketing

A Highlight of Effective Marketing Tips for Restaurants


As the Restaurant Industry continues to recover ever since the worst Pandemic in generations took the global economy to a downturn, competition among restaurants continues to grow more intense. As a result, the said owners are now facing an ever-challenging time in their business.

In this article, we will be highlighting four Effective Marketing Tips that you can use for your Restaurant.

But before anything else, you must be wondering…


What is Restaurant Marketing?


Restaurant marketing is integral to building your business from scratch to a full-seat capacity of regulars. It stands as one of the most significant movements behind a thriving business by gaining their attention and building a stronger connection with them.


Why do you need marketing tips for your Restaurants?


Restaurant visitors have recently adapted to the new safety protocols due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making it more challenging to compete with other restaurants that have successfully mastered and adapted operations that guarantee a safe and sanitized dining experience.

Let’s be honest. Restaurant marketing is so crucial; it’s an undeniable fact. And the COVID-19 Pandemic even made it more impossible to make a business profitable without having a detailed list of marketing strategies to help you find new customers.

Making the best out of your Restaurant doesn’t just happen by chance, but by finding effective ways to improve!


Let us walk you through the four Effective Marketing Tips that you can apply to your Restaurant


First, Going Online

People spend about 153 minutes per day on social media, so learning to adapt digitally by building your business with an excellent social media presence can conveniently help you connect with your customers.

  • Harness Social Media – Using influential social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help you reach your targeted audiences and help you promote your food online.
  • Make Them Hungry – Post appetizing content on your social media platforms, such as a photo of your food that looks mouthwatering and aesthetically pleasing, to increase your sales and attract new visitors that can turn into customers.
  • Step Up Your A- Game – Keep up with different kinds of food trends and create seasonal promotions on the holidays to set you apart from the competition.

Second, Step up your Restaurant by Setting up a Website


Setting up a website for your Restaurant gives your brand credibility and legitimacy. It’s also a way to make your Restaurant visible and easy to find.

  • Perfect Brand Storytelling Platform – Having a well-developed Restaurant website gives your restaurant the perfect platform to tell your story. You control the overall image of your restaurant and continue to build equity.
  • Complete Information Gateway – You can provide easy access to pieces of information about your food menus and recipes in the most convenient way.
  • Google Ads Ready – A website is integral, especially when executing an omni-channel strategy. As offline marketing is more costly, with digital, you can utilize your budget with more control specifically if you determine that google ads are effective to get customers.


Third, Try Reaching out to Food Delivery Services


A lot of people browse through delivery apps these days, so working with food delivery services can help you increase sales as the majority of people prefer ordering at their convenience. Not only that, but their orders get delivered in a timely manner.

  • Increase Social Proof – You can gain popular reviews and ratings from your customers since you save up much of their time by providing them with a seamless mobile experience by ordering food online.
  • A Portal for New Discoveries – New customers can discover and order from your Restaurant through food delivery mobile apps without the need to visit your Restaurant personally.
  • Provide a Convenient Customer Experience – Give your customers the satisfaction of ordering from any place at any time.


Last but certainly not least, Level up your Restaurant by utilizing Digital Marketing Tools


The COVID-19 Pandemic showed and proved how important communication is. Entering a new era where the Digital World further impacted our lives makes us understand how valuable Digital Marketing Strategy is, especially for Restaurant owners like you.

  • Nurture and Remind – Use Email Marketing since it’s proven to be one of the most effective Digital Marketing strategies for Restaurants. It’s also easy to create and share with people to remind them of your promos and new offerings.
  • Leverage Authentic and Influential Content – Consider Influencer Marketing as social media influencers continue to take over the Digital World. Partnering with influencers, food bloggers, and travelers with huge credibility can help you reach your Restaurant’s goal.
  • Stay Visible – Perform Local Search Optimization by placing your Restaurant in local directories such as Yelp, Google my Business, Zomato and Bing Places. Don’t forget to update accurate information so that your consumers can easily find you. Make sure that your business stays easily searchable!


Now that we’ve reached the end of our highlights, we hope you’ll be able to apply these Restaurant Marketing Tips to good use since having a bunch of effective marketing tips for your Restaurant is the key to your business’ success.

Are you ready to increase sales of your Restaurant today?

Reach out to us at Createmoto, as we would be delighted to help you!

7 Keyword Bidding Strategies for Google Ads

By Business, Digital Marketing

7 Keyword Bidding Strategies for Google Ads


In paid search advertising, you constantly have to optimize your strategies to outrank your competitors and secure a top-of-the-page placement in the search engine results.

You want your ad to be in front of your target market. However, it’s not always as easy as it sounds. Google looks at several factors to determine the effectiveness of your pay-per-click campaigns, such as your bids and quality score—the rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords, ads, and landing pages to the search query. This explains why securing the coveted top spot on search engines is not only a matter of your target keyword, but also strongly based on your keyword bidding strategy.

Essential Google Ads Bidding Strategies to Level Up Campaign Performance

Google Ads offers flexible keyword targeting options and comprehensive optimization features, which we can break down into at least two categories: manual bidding and automated bidding. In this article, we’re breaking down some of the bidding strategies, plus the situations when they are most useful to maximize conversion.

Manual Bidding

This bidding method allows you to set the maximum cost-per-click (CPC) you are willing to pay for your ads. You can place bids at the ad group level or the keyword level and keep it consistent across your campaign. Unlike automated bidding, Google Ads sets the bid amounts for you.

Google Keyword Planner is a free keyword research tool to discover keywords related to your business and see the search volume and the estimated costs to bid on them. But, remember, these bid suggestions are mere: suggestions. With manual bidding, you can start with an amount within your ad budget and risk appetite.

Automated Bidding

With automated bidding, Google sets the bid amounts for you based on the likelihood of your ad resulting in a click or driving conversion. It is designed to maximize results based on your campaign goals.

There are at least six targeting and bidding options under this strategy, and each works best when you have historical data from previous campaigns. It is where Google ads will base its predictions on the outcome of your future bids.


1. CPC Bidding

CPC (Cost per Click) is exactly what its name means: you pay for each click on your ads. For this bidding strategy, you set a maximum CPC bid (max CPC) or the highest amount you’re willing to pay for each ad click. Google Ads will automatically manage your bids to get the most clicks possible within your budget.


2. Enhanced CPC

This option integrates manual and automatic bidding: you set the max CPC for your ad groups and keywords, but the algorithm optimizes them. It means you allow Google to automatically increase or decrease your bid amount based on the likelihood of driving the sale. Enhanced CPC is available on the Search and Display networks.


3. Target Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

If your campaign’s primary goal is to drive conversions, target CPA bidding is the way to go. Using this method, Google Ads will set your bids on each campaign based on your CPA—your budget for each customer you acquire through your ad.


4. Target Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

This strategy is where things get a little complex. With target ROAS, Google Ads will set your maximum bid based on the return you want from your ad spend. It means you’re targeting a sales objective instead of the number of sales.

The formula looks like this: sales / ad spend x 100% = Target ROAS. Now, let’s put that into context. Let’s say you want to earn $10 for every $2 spent. Following the formula above, your target ROAS would look like this: $10 in sales  / $2 ad spend x 100% = 500% Target ROAS. 


5. Cost Per View (CPV) Bidding

This bidding strategy only applies to video ads, particularly YouTube Ads, where you are paying for the views or interaction you get. The views are determined by the duration at which a user watches your video. With CPV bidding, a view is counted when a user:

  • watches 30 seconds of your ad
  • watches your full ad if it’s less than 30 seconds
  • engages with your ad (call-to-action clicks, overlay clicks, etc.)


6. Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) Bidding


If you’re prioritizing brand awareness instead of conversions, then CPM bidding is for you. Using this option, you’re technically paying for the number of times your ads appear on YouTube or the Google Display Network, regardless of whether users click through or not.


The Best Google Ad Keyword Bidding Strategy For You

Now that you understand the fundamentals of the different Google Ads bidding strategies, how would you know which bidding option is best for you? It all depends on your campaign goals, campaign volume, and budget.

For example, if you want to drive sales to your site solely, Target CPA and Target ROAS are the best options. However, if your goals are more than just converting, manual CPC bidding and CPM are some of the optimal bid types to choose from.


In our experience as a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, there is not a single bidding strategy that works for all campaigns. Your success in paid search marketing is dependent on your niche, the industry you are in, your campaign goals, and ultimately your understanding of how each bidding option works.

At Createmoto, we take the time to get to know your business and develop Google Ads campaigns that drive valuable results. Get in touch with us today to learn more. 


Inbound vs Outbound: Top Lead Generation Strategies

By Business, Digital Marketing

Inbound vs Outbound: Top Lead Generation Strategies


Lead generation is the process of attracting audiences that have shown interest in your products/services, guiding them through the buyer’s journey to the end of the sales funnel—in short, converting them into sales.

In today’s competitive digital marketing landscape, capturing your target audience’s attention is a matter of using the right approach. There are two sides to a lead generation process: inbound and outbound. Both are equally important in any sales process.


Inbound vs Outbound: What’s the Difference?

Inbound lead generation is a strategic approach to lead customers to your brand and help them reach a buying decision organically. It happens when you create valuable content that appeals to your target audience that provides a solution to their problems. When done successfully, this content should establish a relationship that eventually results in a sale.

This strategy has surged in popularity in the past few years because it aligns with consumers’ preferences. As they avoid aggressive upsells, they prefer to discover information themselves and control how and when they will engage with a business. Below are some examples of inbound lead generation strategies.


7 Top Inbound Lead Generation Strategies

• Content Marketing

Content marketing is how you drive prospects to your site—with quality, relevant, and consistent content, you can engage and nurture them, convert them into leads, and eventually into sales. The key to successful content is to provide solutions to their problem. It should educate, inspire, even entertain your visitors.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a practice that optimizes your site’s pages and increases their rankings in the organic search results. It can complement your lead generation efforts by raising brand awareness and ensuring that your business is visible where your target audiences are searching.

• Pay-Per-Click

PPC works as an inbound marketing strategy because it targets users actively searching for your products/services. With PPC, you can bid specific keywords that can help you secure top placements in the search engine results pages (SERPs).  PPC can maximize your potential to drive traffic and boost conversions when integrated with organic efforts.

Website Design



In lead generation, you should not only look into your site’s content but its design as well. All the more important when it comes to landing pages, as this serves as your website’s frontline. With the insights derived from your buyer persona, you should optimize your site to deliver a seamless experience that actively converts visitors into qualified leads.

Social Media Marketing


Most digital marketers agree that social media is the way to go when it comes to lead generation. Besides access to billions of active users, they offer some of the most effective tools to generate and track leads. Use these platforms to engage with your audience, drive site traffic, and initiate the lead generation process.

Email Marketing

What your content and social media marketing strategies cannot achieve, you can carry out using email marketing. This is a great way to deliver news, blog posts, promos, etc., to your contact list of leads who have signed up for your newsletters.

Retargeting Ads


Retargeting is a form of lead generation in which users are targeted based on their activity online. Let’s put that into context: using cookies on your site, you can track when someone visits your site and leaves without buying. You can send targeted ads to them on other sites to lure them back and potentially convert them into customers with retargeting. The key is to redirect them to a landing page that adds value to them.

Outbound Lead Generation Strategies

With inbound marketing, you are sitting ducks waiting for your target customers when they are ready to connect. But, there’s a bit of a problem: using inbound marketing, you are not initiating to reach out—this is where outbound marketing comes in.

Whereas inbound strategies rely on customers approaching your business, outbound lead generation tactics focus on marketing efforts involving reaching out to people that match your target audience profile. It effectively gets your business in front of users you know will benefit from your products/services.

• Cold Calls & Emails

Whatever your take on these approaches, the truth is cold calls and emails still work as much as any other lead generation strategy. Data shows that businesses can get an average of 15.22% to 28.46% open rates with cold emails. Meanwhile, Hubspot research found that approximately 69% of buyers are happy to answer calls from vendors.

• Online Communities

By online communities, we mean Facebook groups, forums, and any other channels with a group of people with shared interests. Here, you can reach out to a community of engaged users, provide value, and build relationships. That way, it will be easier to sell and get them to purchase.

• Content Syndication

Content syndication is the process of distributing your content online through cold callis or cold emails. It’s a way to reach your target audience and, in return, create brand awareness, build brand authority, and boost content ROI. It can also mean republishing the same piece of content such as whitepapers, articles, infographics, etc.

These outbound lead generation strategies don’t get enough credit as they deserve. But, when done correctly, it can be some of the most cost-effective ways to generate leads. Targeting and personalization are critical to separating yourself from the low-value spammy messages people get every day. You should personalize your message in ways that resonate with your prospects to get them to respond.

Instead of promoting your business flat-out, provide value first. For example, whenever someone in your community posts a problem, offer valuable tips. This way, you can build trust and relationships—we can’t stress enough just how vital these are in sales.



The investment in inbound and outbound marketing can truly deliver a positive ROI when targeting audiences that can benefit from the products/services you offer. Using the strategies above, you can add value, which in return will generate more qualified leads, an increased ROI, all of which can help you reach your sales goals.

Ready to get started? Contact us today at Createmoto. We have up-to-date tactics that can help you generate more leads. 



What is a Good Audience Size for Paid Social Media Ads?

By Business, Digital Marketing

What is a Good Audience Size for Paid Social Media Ads?


Digital marketing is a complex field—many factors play to its success. Paid social media advertising, for example, is necessary to determine the right size of your audience to yield a good return on investment (ROI).

Audience size is often the most overlooked element in any paid campaign. While your audience should be targeted and clearly defined, it should also be large enough to run the campaign effectively and set it up for performance success. The majority of digital marketing agencies in the Philippines understand that the optimal audience size is based on various factors, including age, gender, interests, locations, and other demographics. They consider the audience characteristics of who is more likely to be interested in what you’re offering. But, what exactly should your ideal target audience be when running an ad campaign?


Paid Audience Size Recommendations for Social Media



Every business is different, so does its audience. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are some recommendations on how big your audience should be when running social media ads.



Minimum: 1,000 individuals to run a campaign 

For starters, Facebook recommends targeting between 1,000 and 50,000 people with your ads and scale from there as you get a better grasp of who your audience is. The platform offers comprehensive targeting options to identify your key audiences—narrow down your audience based on their demographics as well as interest or behavior. Behavioral targeting looks into users’ activities, such as purchase history or pages they like to determine who is the most qualified to show interest in your brand.




Minimum: 300 individuals to run a campaign 

Targeting on LinkedIn is relatively different from other platforms since it is a professional networking channel. It’s common to target people based on what they do professionally and not on what they do personally.

LinkedIn mentioned that the rule of thumb is to keep your target audience over 50,000 for Sponsored Content and Text Ad and 15,000 for Message ads. Limiting your scale can hurt your campaigns, and to err on the side of caution, it is better to cast a wider net initially. You can gradually refine your strategies and focus on the ones that deliver results.





Minimum: 500 individuals to run a campaign 

When you create a new ad campaign on Twitter, you have the option to select your audience. Ideally, you would want to limit your audience size to anywhere under 100,000 users to keep it highly relevant and targeted.

Twitter goes beyond the standard ad campaign capabilities and allows you to target followers based on relevant hashtags, keyword searches, interests, behaviors, demographics, etc., resulting in highly targeted ads and, in return, higher engagement rates.

What is the Best-Working Audience Size on Social Media?



There’s no universal number for ‘enough’ or ‘too much’ with audience size. You can opt for the bare minimum or scale-up immediately to reach a wider audience. It is all a matter of budget, who you are trying to reach with your ads, and ultimately your campaign goals.

You can start small by testing your local market first, but you can also cast the widest possible net for your campaigns to reach as many users as possible. Eventually, when your campaigns have accumulated enough data, you will see insights such as who clicked and converted on your ads. You can use this information to segment your campaigns and hyper-personalize them to increase your engagement and improve your results.




In social media advertising, you can play it safe by targeting the average audience size. A small one would hardly get you anywhere, but targeting a large audience could hurt your campaign’s profitability.

The key to identifying the ideal audience size is by determining who you are targeting, where they are, and how much your budget is. With these guiding factors, work with a digital marketing agency in the Philippines to get the right audience size for your social media ad campaigns.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with us at Createmoto today! 




Why Should You Use Long-Tail Keywords in SEO?

By Business, Digital Marketing

Why Should You Use Long-Tail Keywords in SEO?


Standalone broad keywords are already a thing of the past. As Google continues to focus on user experience and intent—not to mention the rise of conversational searches and voice searches—there’s a constant need to adjust and adapt to effective digital marketing practices, specifically the use of long-tail SEO strategies, to ensure that you appear and rank in relevant searches.

As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we have been utilizing long-tail keywords as part of our digital marketing strategy. It works wonders, probably even more so than ever. It can direct high-intent search traffic to your site, generate more leads, and ultimately drive more sales when used correctly.


What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are keyphrases—usually three or more words long—are specific and more focused on a niche than broad keywords. They have lower search volume and get less traffic, but they are more likely to have higher conversion rates because they are precise.

A user’s buying journey usually starts with a basic search, but as they get closer to solving their pain points, their searches become more specific. This is why ranking for long-tail keywords matters—to appear in searches when potential customers are closer to a point-of-purchase. The following figures show how necessary it is to include long-tail keywords in your SEO strategies.

The Benefits of Long-Tail Keywords

Imagine what you can do if you appear in high-intent searches—the users discovering your site are more likely to buy your products and services, and there’s more to why you should target these long-tail keywords.

1. Lower Competition

 In SEO, there’s a relatively lower competition with long-tail keywords than head terms, making them easier to rank for. For example, the short-tail keyword “coffee shop” has over 2.9 billion results in Google. It means if you want to rank first in Google for that keywords, you have to outrank almost 3 billion other sites.


But, when you look at a relevant, more specific, long-tail phrase like “minimalist coffee shop in Quezon City,” there is a lot less competition. In terms of pay-per-click ads, long tails can be cheaper to bid on than popular head terms.

2. Better Conversion Rate

Users searching for long-tail keywords are often already further along in the buyer journey compared to those searching for head terms. For example, someone searching for “link building” is probably trying to learn what it is or how it works. But, a user searching for a relevant long-tail phrase like “link building services in the Philippines” is much closer to getting in touch with a digital marketing agency.

The bottom line is that although the traffic you get from long-tail keywords is low, they always have a better conversion rate.


3. Cost-Effective Advertising


As mentioned above, long-tail keywords have lower search volume and competition. They are cheaper to target, yet they give you a higher probability of conversion, making them as valuable in paid search marketing campaigns as they are in ranking in organic searches.


How to Use Long-Tail Keywords

Now that the importance of long-tail keywords is established, how do you start? There are several ways to build a running list of keywords you can use to generate traffic and conversions throughout your site. You can follow some of the principles below to get started.


• Google’s Related Searches


Type in a broad keyword that you want to rank for and scroll to the bottom of Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs), where there’s the Related Searches section. It’s a gold mine for long-tail keyword research where you can get an idea of what people are searching for.

• Google Autocomplete


You’ll notice Google autocomplete in action every time you enter a query, and using it as a keyword research tool isn’t any different. Start typing a keyword into the search bar. Google will then automatically pop up a list of suggestions for phrases users search for when they enter the same keywords you are using.

• Keyword Research Tools


Several keyword research tools can help you find new keyword ideas: Soovle, Jaaxy, KeywordTool.io, etc. Google Keyword Planner is the search engine’s free tool that lets you research keywords you can use in your ad campaigns. It also gives you valuable insights, such as suggested bid estimates for keywords so you can set your ad budget.


Long-tail keywords are an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. Successfully integrating these keywords into your efforts will allow you to translate search intent to website traffic and give your visitors a seamless experience.

Depending on your business, the topics your site covers, and how many pages you have, you’ll want to build a running list of effective keywords that you can use throughout your site. Monitor the success of each keyword relative to the traffic and engagement you’re getting, and make adjustments where necessary.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with us at Createmoto to learn more about how long-tail keywords can deliver significant results to your business. 










Inbound Marketing vs Content Marketing: What’s the Difference?

By Business, Digital Marketing

Inbound Marketing vs Content Marketing: What’s the Difference?


These days, promoting your business relies heavily on digital marketing. But, because there are multiple strategies to attract and engage an audience, it’s easy to get confused when it comes to modern marketing terminologies.

Two of the most obscure concepts in digital marketing are content marketing and inbound marketing, which focus on creating relationships with the customers to make a sale. While they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are fundamentally different, though tightly intertwined.

If inbound marketing and content marketing are two different but related things, how do they fit together?

What is the Difference Between Inbound & Content Marketing?

Short answer: content marketing is a strategy that involves publishing and distributing valuable, relatable, and consistent content to attract a well-defined target audience—and ultimately drive profitable customer action.

On the other hand, inbound marketing is an umbrella term for strategies that work together to target potential customers at different stages through multiple channels without being interruptive—which is the case for traditional and outbound marketing.

Now, content marketing is a subset of inbound marketing. It works alongside other strategies such as search engine optimization, email marketing, analytics, social media, and more. This explains why the two share the same goal of attracting, engaging, and converting leads into customers to boost sales.

Although one can exist without the other, as a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we understand that content marketing forms the base of a successful inbound marketing strategy.

What is Content Marketing?



As today’s consumers tune out aggressive marketing methods and avoid sales pitches, content marketing offers an alternative route to reach out to them: valuable content that your target audience will find educational, useful, interesting, or even entertaining. This includes:

  • Blog posts

  • Videos


  • Infographics

  • Podcasts


  • Newsletters


  • Social media posts; and



  • Other long-form content (e.g. ebooks, whitepaper, etc.)

When done right, your content can provide free value to your audience, which is a way to slowly build trust and relationships, generate leads and finally convert them into sales.

What is Inbound Marketing?



Again, under the premise of users actively blocking out business promotions, inbound marketing focuses on adding value that will attract prospects towards your brand. It engages the audience by providing solutions to their problems when they seek them.

Success in inbound marketing is knowing your target audiences and making it easy for them to find you through social media, search engines, or other relevant channels. This way, they are more likely to respond to a call to action, such as signing up for newsletters.

As mentioned above, inbound marketing involves content marketing, digital tools, mediums, and processes designed to help you match your strategies with the way consumers buy today:


  • Content marketing


  • Social media


  • SEO


  • Email marketing



  • Case studies


  • Lead nurturing



  • Paid ads



  • Analytics



  • Web design



Inbound +  Content Marketing is Key to Delivering Qualified Leads 

In summary, you don’t have to pit inbound and content marketing against each other. Both strategies effectively draw in qualified leads and convert them into sales, and they perform to their utmost potential when used in conjunction.

Whereas content marketing lays the framework, inbound marketing does the rest of the work. It uses content to attract and convert prospects into leads and leads into sales.

There’s more to learn about content marketing and inbound marketing, and it’s okay if you don’t have the capacity yet to employ a full-scale strategy. At Createmoto, we can help you get started by fine-tuning each step to ensure that it would return the most results.


Get in touch with us today! 

5 Ways to Generate More Sales on Social Media

By Business, Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Generate More Sales on Social Media 

FACT: If you want to succeed in business, you need social media presence.

Social media is now a norm in digital marketing and by far offers the easiest way to establish an online presence, reach your audience, boost engagement, and drive sales. What used to be a platform exclusively for interactions now directly influences a customer’s purchase decisions

From the top of the funnel, consumers use social media to learn more about brands and discover new products and services. Of the 1,000 consumers, Sprout Social surveyed, 78% said they are more willing to buy from a brand on social media. This becomes especially true after a positive experience with the business.

These figures signify that having a social media presence can increase your market reach, tap an engaged audience, build brand authority, and drive traffic to your site leading to increased revenue.

But, how exactly are you supposed to do that? Especially if you start your efforts without thousands of followers or understand social media marketing complexities. In this article, we are sharing tips on how you can get started generating sales on social media.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Businesses


1. Be Where Your Audiences are


As brick-and-mortar spaces shut down, digital storefronts went up, and there’s never been a better time to be on social media—specifically where your target audiences are spending their time online. Today, the top 6 social media platforms with the most active users include the following:

Facebook – 2.91 billion

YouTube – 2.56 billion

WhatsApp – 2 billion

Instagram – 1.47 billion

WeChat – 1.26 billion

TikTok – 1 billion

You can be present on all these platforms, but it can be a little too time-consuming and illogical. So, look at your target demographics instead, and focus on where they are most active. Whatever your case, Facebook is generally a good starting point, considering it has the largest user base.


2. Create Valuable, Engaging Content 



It may seem counterintuitive to say you shouldn’t always sound too salesy on every post. But, if you want to maximize your social presence and build a following, you should also entertain, educate, and engage your audience.

Publish content that encourages your followers to interact—think of contests, giveaways, or even the occasional non-related posts. When done right, these types of content can keep the conversation flowing. They humanize your brand and make it relatable to your audience; when there is engagement, there will be sales.


3. Sell Directly on Social Media—and Make it Easy for Them to Shop



For the longest time, selling on social media looks like this: a business publishes their product/service on their page, and customers can order by commenting on the post, sending a direct message, or clicking on a link that will redirect them to an order form or a website.

But, you probably didn’t know that your followers can already complete their purchase without leaving the page. Enter shoppable posts.

Instagram has Shoppable Posts that allow you to tag products in your posts or Stories. Each tag already has the product’s name, description, and price indicated. Now, when customers are interested in the featured product, they can instantly go to your website and buy it with just a tap on the screen.

On Facebook, there’s a shop section where you can create product listings. Currently, an increase of third-party app developers creates ready to be integrated APIs into the backend of social pages to provide a better shopping experience in Facebook or other social platforms— from payment, support to fulfillment, this gives birth to a rising digital service called social commerce. On the other hand, Pinterest has shoppable pins for an easy and frictionless shopping experience.

4. Partner With Influencers 


Social media influencers are individuals with a considerable base of engaged followers, which may be far more vast than you have. They are your go-to people if you want to reach a wide audience fast—and it incredibly works in this day and age with consumers trusting them for recommendations.

The key to success in this marketing strategy is to find someone with authority in your niche or industry, impacting your target audience’s purchase decisions. You can get them to endorse your brand or honestly review your product/s on their profiles in exchange for some form of compensation. That can be anything from store credits to fixed rates, free samples, discounts, or affiliate links, to name a few.


5. Leverage Paid Advertising 



Advertising on social media can help your business get more visibility, boost site traffic, and generate sales— costs are significantly lower than any form of traditional advertising. It gives you a reach that you wouldn’t easily get with your organic efforts. And when done right, you can maximize its granular targeting capabilities that allow you to target users that are most likely to be interested in your business with pinpoint precision.

The good news? Today, every social media channel has tools that can get your brand out there, right in front of a relevant target audience, increasing your chances of generating more sales.



Success on social media takes time, patience, and constant improvement to generate results. There’s no denying that it’s challenging to get started, but you can rest assured that the benefits you’ll reap far outweigh the difficulties.

As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we have just the perfect solution for businesses looking forward to being online. Contact us at Createmoto today to see how we can help you build a strong social media presence and generate more sales.

What is Performance Marketing?

By Business, Digital Marketing

What is Performance Marketing?


It is important to clearly understand where your marketing budget is spent and if it provides a positive return to the business. To maximize results, you want to gauge the success of your marketing efforts and make necessary adjustments.

This is a capability that you can’t easily afford with traditional marketing—and even utilizing tracking mechanisms that most profitable organizations already have access to are somehow limited in directing outcomes. Sure, traditional marketing works, but digital marketing does a way better job at tracking ROI with pinpoint precision.

One crucial area of digital marketing discussed in this article is performance marketing—how it works and why every business should use it. It’s one of the channels that guarantee your money is spent exclusively on successful campaigns.

An Introductory Guide to Performance Marketing


Performance marketing is exactly as it sounds—marketing based on performance. It is a comprehensive term referring to a marketing scheme whereby an advertiser pays a marketing company (an affiliate or a publisher) when a specific objective is completed.

This is a win-win opportunity for both involved parties. Whether you’re looking for new leads, sales, bookings, site traffic, or app downloads, this means that you are only paying your marketing partner after these goals are achieved, not only for the effort exerted. This is unlike most traditional forms of advertising, wherein you pay an upfront fee for ad space without a guaranteed conversion.

Performance Marketing by the Number


There’s a rising interest in performance marketing as a means for customer acquisition, engagement, and conversion. Due to its high success rates, it quickly distinguished itself in the digital marketing industry.

  • Performance marketing accounted for 16% of  US e-commerce sales. It is on par with email marketing and display advertising in driving online transactions.
  •  Social media (69%) is the most effective channel for performance marketing. According to a 2020 study, other channels marketers use for performance marketing are search engines (49%), e-commerce marketplace ads (37%), partnerships/sponsorships (34%), and display ads (27%).

Businesses allocating much of their budget to performance marketing goes to show how effective it can be in delivering results. These results may be in various forms like clicks, leads, and most of the time, a sale, all of which marketers can measure using third-party performance marketing platforms or software.


Now, this is the part where it can get confusing. We have said earlier that performance marketing is a broad term. It means several digital marketing strategies fall under its umbrella, as long as the payment is based on performance or tangible results, such marketing channels are as follows:


4 Types of Performance Marketing

1. Social Media Marketing


Performance marketing can take place on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. However, these campaigns may also cross over as influencer marketing when you tap an influencer relevant to your business to promote your brand or host a giveaway.

2. Affiliate Marketing



Affiliate marketing works by recruiting affiliates—an individual or a business—to promote and sell your products to others. You would then compensate them through commissions on every sale they make or any other goal you may have agreed upon.

3. Sponsored Content or Native Advertising



Sponsored content is an article or content dedicated to promoting a brand or a product in return for some form of a payout. Influencers often use sponsored content on social media—functioning as an advertisement but disguised as regular content, except that you would see it tagged as sponsored content. 

4. Paid Search Marketing


Traditionally, performance marketing is only tracked and measured by CPC (cost-per-click). But, today, it goes beyond engagement or CTR (click-through rates) and includes other metrics such as impressions or views on a CPM (cost-per-thousand).

No More Guessing with Performance Marketing


Performance marketing can guarantee that your marketing budget is spent on campaigns that deliver tangible results. When done successfully, it can grow your business exponentially and in ways that you wouldn’t usually achieve with other strategies.

The key to success in performance marketing is finding the right partner, setting clear and realistic goals, and monitoring your progress, ensuring that you’re on the right track. Sure, you can run your campaigns yourself, but it will take some time and effort to generate results.

As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we are experts in optimizing your performance marketing efforts. Leave this part of your process to us and do your business as usual.

Ready to get started? Contact us today at Createmoto

Top 7 Digital Marketing Channels to Prioritize in 2022

By Business, Digital Marketing

Top 7 Digital Marketing Channels to Prioritize in 2022


How the pandemic altered the way we adjust to doing things is not going away anytime soon. Even as we adapt and transition to post-COVID reality, it still influences our actions and decisions daily; such is particularly true in business.

COVID-19 has upended many marketing strategies and forced businesses across almost all industries to move their operations online. Digital marketing was already an emerging trend, but the unexpected turn of events further emphasized how crucial it is in today’s age of technology.

Fast forward to 2022, transitioning to digital is still vital to the success of your business. However, with varying digital marketing channels, which ones should you prioritize?

Best Digital Marketing Channels in 2022




Digital marketing channels are any tool or platform you use to reach and engage with your target audience. While the decision to optimize for specific channels should be based on your audience insights, it’s also a matter of understanding the value of each option.


Social Media


There are over 4.62 billion social media users worldwide today, and their purpose for being so has changed over the years. What used to be a platform exclusively for social interaction has become a source of news, information, and even shopping. It is a valuable tool that can influence a user’s purchasing decisions through reviews and advertising.

Being on social media gives you access to this broad audience and an opportunity to raise brand awareness, expand your reach, and build loyalty and trust. According to a 2022 report, the top 6 channels with the most active users are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, WeChat, and Tiktok.

For B2Bs, the most used and effective channel to reach out to business-minded individuals is LinkedIn, boasting at least 790 million users worldwide.


Email Marketing



Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. Don’t believe it? Notice receiving weekly newsletters after providing email information upon signing up on any social media account or website?

A Campaign Monitor report showed that 64.1% of small businesses still use email marketing. While you may only associate this channel with newsletters, it offers several opportunities to promote your business and engage your audience. Think of personalized messages, notifications like product launches and promos, abandoned cart reminders, etc.

Compared to other digital marketing efforts, email marketing is also cost-effective. It’s estimated to deliver an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent.


Video Marketing



Videos offer the best ROI today as consumers demand more educational content that is easier to digest. In specific, 69% of consumers prefer to learn more about a brand and its offerings through videos.

Leveraging video content not only allows you to tap into this audience but also boost your open and conversion rates, increase your ROI, and build relationships. But, which type of video content to create? Some of the most compelling videos today include brand films, explainer/how-to-videos, testimonials, and product videos, to name a few. The best platform to share your video is YouTube. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are also some of the better options.


Content Marketing



Consumers these days do some research online before making a purchase. It means your website, or any channel you may have for this matter, should have high-quality and valuable content for your audience. It should educate, persuade, entertain your visitors but ultimately solve their pain points should they with your business.

As such, some types of online materials you should create are case studies, blog content, eBooks, etc. However, keep in mind that content marketing isn’t limited to text-only content. It can also include videos, infographics, social media posts, and other visual content.


Influencer Marketing



Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing channels today. It allows you to tap macro and micro-influencers related to your industry to promote your products/services with their audience—which has a larger audience size than your page’s following count most of the time.

Statistics show that 80% of marketers find this type of marketing effective, with 71% saying that it generates a better quality of traffic than other ad formats. As most consumers now proactively avoid advertising, influencers can help you sell your brand more subtly without being too aggressive, reach a wider audience outside your specific niche and influence their buying decisions through product reviews or information.


Search Engine Optimization




SEO is by far one of the digital marketing channels that drive the most conversions. It’s the process of optimizing your site to help it rank organically in the search engine result pages (SERPs). In other words, make it easier for your customers to find you.

Several factors can help improve your search engine rankings, primarily a secure and accessible website, page speed, mobile-friendliness, high-quality content, backlinks, metadata, as well as domain age and authority.

But, how do you drive quality traffic to your site? Keywords. These are the words or phrases people enter to search for information online. It means the more specific and relevant your targeted keywords are to your business, the more likely you are to engage with interested users.


Paid Search




While consumers trust organic results the most, sometimes it’s well worth paying to boost your site’s visibility to reach a wider audience. You can do just that with paid search marketing by placing an ad on top of the SERPs, just before the organic results. It lets you create ads based on the keywords, demographics, or even the location you are targeting and show them to users actively searching for your business.

Search ad spending is projected to reach $137 billion in 2022—up from the $106.5 billion spent on search advertising in 2019. Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing used to be exclusive to Google, but marketers now have more options, with Facebook and Amazon competing as one of the best PPC platforms today.


Level Up Your Digital Marketing Today




With the increasing number of digital marketing channels available today, it’s never been easier to reach your audience, grow leads, and boost sales. In conclusion, we’re not saying that you should use every channel discussed here, not also that you only focus on one.

For your digital marketing efforts to be effective, you need a well-thought-out strategy that identifies which channels will best work for you. As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we can help you with just that.

Get in touch with us at Createmoto today and discover how we can help you leverage these digital marketing channels in 2022. 





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