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9 Benefits of Facebook Advertising For Your Business

By Business, Digital Marketing

9 Benefits of Facebook Advertising For Your Business


With the constantly growing number of restrictions being placed on organic content, Facebook advertising can help your business get more visibility, boost site traffic, and increase conversion rates. It can get your message to the right people seamlessly and with a reach that you wouldn’t accomplish with organic efforts alone.

Advertising on Facebook offers comprehensive ways to target your audience at different stages of the sales funnel. It’s cost-effective yet does wonders in increasing your profitability and visibility online. Continue reading as we break down the benefits of Facebook advertising and why every business should add it to their digital marketing strategy.


Why Should You Use Facebook Advertising?



1. Access to a wide audience




With over 2.9 billion active users worldwide, Facebook gives you access to one of the largest social media audiences today. But, that’s not all, the network also offers an advertising platform that allows you to reach more people beyond your organic social media marketing efforts alone.


2. Cross-promotion capabilities



When Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, it has opened up opportunities to give digital marketers easy access to both platforms. Instagram has enabled you to cross-share posts and Stories to Facebook. You can also create Ad campaigns from the Facebook Ad manager and run them on both sites.


3. Target an exact audience




Facebook offers targeting capabilities with some features you would hardly find elsewhere. You can target based on specific interests, behaviors, demographics—age, gender, income, location, etc. You can even target fans of your competitors. This allows you to tailor your message that resonates with your specific audience, thus increasing your chances of converting them into leads and eventually into sales.


4. Wide range of highly customizable ads



We already mentioned Facebook’s ability to focus your ads towards your segmented audiences, but it gets better: Facebook advertising also offers various types of media content—photos, videos, Stories, Messenger, Carousel, Slideshow, etc. It means you are not limited to some plain text ads and you can be as creative as you can in reaching your audience.

5. Highest ROAS for any social media platform



A 2021 report by HubSpot revealed that Facebook provides marketers with the highest ROI on social media. Over 40% of the surveyed cited the network for giving them the highest return on ad spend, topping any other social media sites—Instagram (30%), and other channels like LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Snapchat that all ranked with less than 10%.


6. Cost-effective



Facebook Ads, including its Ads Manager tool, is freely accessible to all marketers. The only cost you will have to pay for is the cost of running your ads. On average, a Facebook ad costs $0.97 per click (CPC) and $7.19 per 1000 impressions (CPM). It’s way more affordable than traditional advertising, yet it offers some of the best ROI.


7. Set specific goals



With Facebook advertising, you can also set up your campaign objectives—traffic, engagement, video views, lead generation, sign-ups, app downloads, messages, etc. This allows you to optimize your ad for a specific action, whether that be link clicks, page likes, or comments. As for Facebook, it will place your ads in front of people who are likely to take your specified action.


8. Access to valuable insights



Facebook also gives advertisers access to performance insights and valuable data. Each ad you create is measured, allowing you to see things like audience age, gender, locations, devices, and more. It also offers split-testing options that allow you to fine-tune your campaigns by testing and displaying ad variants with specific budgets and with custom audiences. This level of insight and detailed demographic targeting are some of the advantages of Facebook ads, among other advertising networks.


9. Better overall marketing results



Facebook ads get better engagement, more impressions, and more conversions. While organic posts are only shown to users already following your page, paid ads are targeted to people who have not liked your page but have interests and/or demographics that are relevant to your business.


Advertise on Facebook Today



Integrating your paid-marketing efforts into your existing social media campaigns means better success and the opportunity to expand your reach and improve your bottom line.

Discover more benefits of Facebook advertising for your business. Get in touch with us at Createmoto and learn how we can help you leverage Facebook ads to achieve your business goals.



6 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement

By Business, Digital Marketing

6 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement


Think of a social media platform to promote your business, and you’ll almost immediately think of Facebook—and it’s not rocket science to understand why. With over 2.91 billion active users worldwide, this social network is one of the most viable channels to get your brand noticed.

Aside from access to a wide audience, few of the other benefits Facebook offers is the ability to engage with your customers through different content formats using  highly targeted and cost-effective advertising tools. Some of you may not even know these exist.

So, you are armed with a treasure-trove of tools, but are you tech-savvy enough to use them? In this article, we are revealing a few digital marketing tools that will help grow your business. You can find the following tools in Facebook apps, extensions, bots, etc.


Facebook Marketing Tools to Boost Your Engagement



1. Facebook Messenger Marketing




Facebook Messenger is where conversations happen. It’s an effective tool to engage with your audience and influence them to take actions such as buying a product, signing up for a service, booking an appointment, or downloading an app.

Due to its advantages, it has become an essential part of digital marketing strategies. For example, whereas an organic Facebook post can reach only an average of 1-2% of Page fans, Messenger messages have an average open rate of 50-80%, with a 20% average click rate. It’s significantly higher than the 17-28% open rates of email marketing. What’s more, the channel has a conversation rate that’s 3-5x higher than Facebook desktop ads.


2. Facebook Messenger Chatbot




A chatbot is a messaging software application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate natural human conversations. Tools like Heyday, Streamchat, and MobileMonkey allow you to program chatbots to automate tasks, mainly understanding questions and giving instant, pre-set answers.

As consumers expect 24/7 availability, chatbots help you address inquiries and access the information they need, even when you’re away. From a user’s perspective, it allows them to track deliveries, book appointments, and check your policy, among other things. Chatbots have been crucial in providing customers a personalized shopping experience and have contributed greatly in terms of scoring high open rates, click-through rates, and conversation rates.


3. Comment Guard



A comment guard is another Messenger marketing feature that allows you to add contacts commenting on your Facebook post to your list.

It works like this: when you enable comment guard on your organic Facebook post, users who comment on that post will automatically receive a direct message from your page. As soon as they reply to this message, they are then added to your Messenger contact list. It means the comments that you get from your post, this feature converts into warm leads.


4. Click-to-Messenger Ads



A click-to-messenger ad works like a regular Facebook ad—except that instead of sending leads to a landing page, you redirect them to a Messenger bot sequence. You can set up your chatbot to ask qualifying questions that will lead them down the conversion funnel.

It can be difficult and time-consuming to respond to inquiries daily. But, this tool allows you to automate your responses and engage users at a scale. Facebook offers a step-by-step guide on how to leverage this feature.


5. Chat Blaster



What if you want to send mass messages? No problem. Chat blasting is a powerful method for delivering your message to your contact list within minutes—an effective one, to say the least, with a 10x higher open rate as compared to email broadcast.

Most chatbot tools today are equipped with features that allow you to schedule and bulk-send messages—promos, campaigns, etc.—to your list. ZoConvert even gives you the advantage to segment your audiences and customize your message in a way that resonates with them.


6. Messenger Scan Codes



Anyone on Facebook has a unique Messenger Scan Code. It works similarly to any QR code—scan it using the Facebook Messenger app and it will automatically open a Messenger chat.

It works as a great lead generation tool. For example, you can add your scan code to your business cards or your merchandise, and when users scan them, they will be added to your Messenger contact list. These are just one of the many possibilities with this interesting feature.


Uncover More Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools 



You may have noticed that many of the marketing tools above focus on Facebook Messenger. And that’s because this channel offers far more engagement opportunities than an organic Facebook post—yet advertisers have yet to unlock its full potential.

It turns out, there’s more to Facebook than meets the eye. But, working with a digital marketing agency can help you uncover and leverage these features to strengthen your Facebook marketing strategies.

Discover more hidden Facebook marketing tools by getting in touch with us at Createmoto today! 








PPC for Lead Generation: How to Generate Quality Leads

By Business, Digital Marketing

PPC for Lead Generation: How to Generate Quality Leads

You’ve got a great idea—a product or a service—that you are so convinced will sell. So, you set up an online shop and wait for the money to come in. It all seems fun and jazzy until you realize that, after a while, you aren’t really getting any sales.

No matter how ~brilliant~ your business may be, that wouldn’t do much if it’s not reaching the right people. When you can’t seem to sell and yet you feel you’ve done everything right, there’s probably a step you have missed, if not taken for granted: lead generation.

As a business, you have to constantly attract new clients and maintain relationships with them. In today’s digital era, the most effective way to generate leads is to drive users towards your website with the use of well-placed ads. This is where PPC efforts prove to be useful.


What is PPC Lead Generation?



Short for pay-per-click, PPC is an advertising model in which you pay a publisher—let’s say Google—every time your ad is clicked on. It goes by many names such as Google Ads, search engine marketing, and paid search, but they are all essentially the same thing.

With PPC, you technically buy the visitors to your site, increasing their likelihood of converting into leads and eventually into sales. The problem? It’s not as easy as it sounds.

While PPC advertising drives revenue, it can also waste your valuable time and money if you’re not doing it properly. This is why it’s necessary to figure out how you can improve the quality of your PPC leads to generate a higher ROI while reducing wasted time and resources.


How to Generate Quality Leads with PPC 

1. Identify your Audience



Effective advertising is all about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. The first thing you have to know when creating a PPC campaign is to understand who your end customer is.

Analyze your data and understand who you’re trying to turn into customers based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education, location, etc. This information will prove valuable in the different stages of your PPC lead generation strategies, such as creating a buyer persona, writing a better ad copy, or setting up a landing page.


2. Target customers on different stages of the funnel



A common practice among advertisers is to set up campaigns for every product or service they offer. But, regardless of your strategy, it’s essential that you target your audience depending on what stage of the marketing funnel they are in.

It means creating more specific ads and crafting your messages to account for their varying needs. For example, at the top of the funnel are visitors exploring their options and who are not yet ready to purchase. Here, your message can be informational rather than sounding too salesy.

As a visitor moves lower down the funnel, you’ll have more opportunities to earn their trust and raise awareness. During this time, you should craft your ad in a way that would foster relationships and eventually attract them to purchase. What’s great about PPC is that it offers tools that allow you to effectively advertise on various stages of the funnel. These include the ability to bid on multiple keywords and constantly customize your ads for each marketing stage.


3. Use the right keywords



Keywords determine where your ads should appear. Having said that, make sure that the ones you are targeting match every part of your campaign—from the ad copy to the landing page. Your ad should provide potential customers with a direct solution to the problem they are searching to solve.

Some ways to generate a list of keywords to target include:

  • Understanding the keywords your competitors are bidding on and retrofitting them into your existing campaigns; and
  • Using keyword research tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, to determine the keyword variations your target audience searches for in different search engines.


4. Track the Results and Refine Your Strategies




What sets digital marketing apart from any form of traditional marketing is that it provides you with actionable insights—data and statistics that allow you to determine the methodologies that work and what don’t.

With tools like Google Ads, you can track your campaign’s performance, including the leads generated and the money you spent. With this information, you can further refine your keywords and ultimately improve the quality of your leads.





With these steps, you’re well on your way to generating high-quality leads using PPC advertising. As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, our goal at Createmoto is to gear you to success regularly with your PPC efforts.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how you can keep optimizing your campaigns and attract more high-quality leads. 

5 PPC Best Practices: How to Improve Your Campaign Performance

By Business, Digital Marketing

5 PPC Best Practices: How to Improve Your Campaign Performance

A well-executed pay-per-click campaign can help you achieve many of your business goals. It’s a low-cost, high-impact advertising channel that can drive traffic to your site, offer valuable insights, and grow your revenue.

However, if you’ve been running PPC campaigns for a while—and you still feel as though it’s not working as it’s supposed to—it may be time to reevaluate your paid efforts and adjust where necessary.

In this article, we will walk you through some strategies to boost your PPC performance and get the best ROI.

How to Improve Your PPC Campaign Performance

1. Optimize for long-tail keywords

Any digital marketing campaign starts with keyword research, and it’s no different with PPC. It can tell you what terms your target audience is searching for, measure the competition for these keywords, and guide your strategies to generate clicks and boost conversions to your site.

If your goal is to improve your ROAS (return on ad spend), you shouldn’t go too broad on your PPC keywords. Instead, balance broad-match terms with long-tail keywords that exactly match the search intent you are targeting.

For example, “coffee shop in Quezon City” is a long-tail keyword and has a clearer search intent vs. “coffee shop”. While it may have a lower search volume, it has a higher search intent, and bidding on it can help you attract higher quality leads, which can result in more sales and returning visitors. Some other benefits of targeting exact match long-tail PPC keywords are the following:

  • Less competition
  • Lower bids
  • Higher search intent
  • Highly targeted ad copies

2. Remove low-performing keywords

While you target high-performing, long-tail keywords, you should as well remove any underperforming keywords that are pulling down your paid search performance.

Look for keywords that don’t generate many impressions or those that have a good number of impressions but are getting few clicks. In these cases, it’s either your target users are not searching these keywords or your ad copy doesn’t align with the search intent of the user. You can try revising your ad copy to better match the search intent. However, if that too, doesn’t work, you’re better off removing these keywords from your campaign.

3. Add negative keywords

Adding negative keywords allows you to exclude search terms from your campaigns and prevent them from triggering your ads. It allows you to focus your ads—more importantly, your ad budget—on the most relevant searches.

Let’s say you’re advertising online baking classes and you’re bidding on the modified broad match keyword +baking +classes. If someone Googles “in-person baking classes” your ad will appear on the search results.

But, because your ad is irrelevant to the search, even with the help of geotargeting, two things are likely to happen: the user will ignore your ad, therefore diminishing its click-through rate (CTR) or they may click through but then realize that your service is irrelevant to them, thus costing you money.


4. Write a compelling ad copy and landing pages

The success of your PPC campaign is not a matter of how good you manage it but how engaging, informative, and compelling your ad copy is. Optimize your ad copy by doing the following tips:

  • Include your target PPC keywords that match the search intent
  • Highlight the benefits of your product/service and use power words like free, money-back guaranteed, etc. 
  • Speak directly to your audience
  • Evoke an emotional response
  • Finish with a strong CTA

While at it, make sure to match your ad copy with your dedicated landing page. It’s where users will be redirected when they click on your ads and should provide what users are looking for. It’s the key to improving your overall PPC performance.

5. Optimize ads for specific devices, locations, and times

People these days access the Internet from different locations on different devices, and during different times of the day. You can further optimize your PPC campaigns by taking the following into consideration.

  • Devices being used: Google PPC ads appear differently on different devices—mobile phones, tablets, computers, wearables, etc. So, make sure to leverage the many options to customize your ads according to where you want them to appear. Device targeting, for example, is a feature that lets you optimize your ads on specific device types, even specific systems, device models, and networks.
  • Location: Geotargeting is the method of delivering personalized messaging to target users based on their geolocation. This is particularly helpful if you have a physical location or your target audience is in a particular area, and you want to optimize for local search.
  • When your target audience is more active: Run your ads during times when your target market is more active. Consider scheduling your campaigns 24/7—while it will cost you more initially, it should help you determine your market’s most active periods. With that information, you can make some adjustments to allocate most of your ad budget during those times.


PPC advertising is a great avenue to promote your brand, a new product line or service, or limited-time offers. It’s become a vital part of any digital marketing strategy with various benefits to offer—it is cost-effective, highly targeted, and provides valuable insights and trackable results. It gives you access to data that can help you fine-tune your efforts and generate more sales and revenues.

Ready to get started? Make the most out of your ad budget by letting the experts do the work. Get in touch with us at Createmoto and we would be happy to discuss how you can further improve your PPC campaigns.

A Brief Guide to Using Google Keyword Planner in 2022

By Business, Digital Marketing

A Brief Guide to Using Google Keyword Planner in 2022

People are constantly looking for new content on the Internet, and most of them are using Google to try and find it. They would use a set of keywords or phrases to search for that information.

As a business, you want to show up in relevant searches when users look for products or services —particularly in the top results of the first page of search engines because that’s where you’re most likely to get clicked. However, ranking on the prime real estate on the SERP has its own science. In today’s post, that’s what we will be focusing on: how to show up on the first page of SERPs by using the right keywords.


How to Use Google Keyword Planner for Your Keyword Research 

Keyword research is the basis of any digital marketing campaign. It helps you determine what your target audience is searching for and how to rank it. Google Keyword Planner (is a free resource tool that helps you do just that and more.

You can use Google Keyword Planner for your PPC and SEO marketing efforts. It allows you to discover new search keywords, valuable insights (e.g. search volume and cost for keywords), and performance forecasts that can help you with the following:

  • identify the right keywords to target
  • optimize your website for search engines
  • target keywords for link building and pay-per-click campaigns; and
  • determine the right content for your audience

Step-By-Step Guide to Using Keyword Planner

1. Access Keyword Planner

Using Keyword Planner is free, but it will prompt you to set up a free Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) account. This shouldn’t be a big deal, especially if you’re planning on using the tool for long-term PPC campaigns. When you get access to the planner, you have two options to get started: discover new keywords or get search volume forecasts.

The first option is as easy as it sounds—enter your keyword ideas and discover a broad match of keywords or phrases you can use to reach people interested in your products/services. Meanwhile, you can use the other option to determine the historical trend, search volume, and forecast for specific keywords.

2. Discover New Keywords

Under Discover New Keywords, there will be two tabs: Start with Keywords and Start with a Website.

Start with Keywords – Here, you can enter a list of up to 10 keywords or phrases [separated by commas] relevant to your business. It can be anything that describes your business—the products or services you offer—or the keywords that users are most likely to Google when finding your company.

Start with a Website – Instead of entering keywords, this option allows you to use an entire website or a specific page as a source to bring up keyword ideas you can use. This is a great way to get insights into what your competitors are doing and what keywords they are optimizing and/or bidding for.


3. View Insights

After keying in the terms or the URL, click Get Results. Google Keyword Planner will return with a table of new keyword suggestions, each with the following insights.

Average Monthly Searches – The range of number of searches the keyword receives every month

Competition – A keyword’s competition is ranked low, medium, or high, depending on how many advertisers are bidding on it. The higher the competition is, the more difficult and costlier to target.

Top of Page Bid – This lists the range of price estimates (low range and high range) advertisers would pay for a top page bid.

You can further filter the results based on location, language, search network, and period. Just click the Add Filter tab above the results table. You can also filter out negative keywords with the Exclude keywords in my account option.

4. Get Search Volume and Forecasts

Remember the option for discovering keywords? Get search volume and forecasts. Google Keyword Planner will display forecasts you can expect within the next 30 days for the keywords you enter. These include the following.

  • Total number of clicks
  • Impressions—the number of times your ad would be displayed
  • Overall cost
  • Average position
  • Cost-per-click

Keyword research underpins every SEO and PPC strategy, and Google Keyword Planner offers a lot of value—it’s entirely free to utilize and a good starting point to determine the right keywords you can use to reach out to people who are actively searching for your business. More importantly, it acts as the foundation of your digital marketing efforts to boost your search visibility, rankings, and traffic.

Ready to Get Started? 

You’ve got the basics down. Let us handle the intricacies of Google Keyword Planner and help you build your growth strategy around search terms that matter most to your business.

Get in touch with our digital marketing experts at Createmoto today! 

How to Improve Your PPC Campaign Performance

By Business, Digital Marketing

How to Structure a PPC Campaign That Works

Online shopping is more in-demand than ever, and it’s evident in the increasing number of marketers investing in PPC campaigns. In 2021, Google reported a $53.1 billion revenue which accounted for 81% of the overall sales of its parent company, Alphabet.

When done successfully, PPC—short for pay-per-click—can result in a better ad placement in the search engine result pages (SERPs), which in return can help you drive traffic to your site and generate leads. But, keep in mind that ad placement is only as good as the ad structure itself. When a campaign is not structured correctly, it may not produce the results you expect.


What is an Account Structure?

Account structure is essential to the success of your PPC efforts. But, what does it mean anyway and why does it matter? Put simply, your structure is the backbone of your account that supports many other parts of your PPC campaign, including its overall performance.

In its basic form, an account structure includes campaigns, ad groups, keywords—both targeted and negative keywords—and an ad copy. The number of campaigns you run can depend on several factors such as the following:

  • The products and services you offer
  • The network you use—search, display, maps, shopping, etc.
  • Locations to target
  • Your budget

Each campaign houses different ad groups, each of which targets a specific set of keywords that will trigger a set of ads. Each ad also includes a landing page where you want to direct users to after they click. All these components should be themed and relevant to ensure that the searches triggering your ads are useful to the users. With that said, a basic account structure should look like this:

Ad Account Structure

How to Structure Your PPC Campaign in 2022

The success of your account structure largely depends on your understanding of each component involved. Let’s discuss them further.

1. Campaigns

Your campaign is the topmost category your ad groups will fall under. It may be defined by the types of product you offer, your location, or your target audience. For example, if you are a printing business, you can use your products and services as your campaigns and specify them further in the categories that follow.

2. Ad Groups

Under each campaign are your ad groups which are exactly just that: groups of ads that share similar targets. You can use them to organize your ads by a common theme—usually based on the types of products or services you want to advertise.

Advertisers usually base their ad groups on how they are categorized on their websites. Let’s say you offer corporate gifts and photo prints. You can use them as your ad groups, and each would contain a keyword list that focuses on the products you sell.

While there’s no limit to the number of ad groups to list under a campaign, PPC ad specialists advise against going overboard. It will not only stretch your ad budget but also suffer the results. The golden rule is to keep within the maximum limit of 7-10 ad groups per campaign.

3. Keywords


When a search query matches with a keyword that you target, it will trigger an ad that can potentially attract clicks to your site. It means that your keyword list must be composed of the words and phrases your target users are most likely to search for your product or business: thank-you kits, corporate shirts, custom notebooks, personalized stationery, etc. 

Several tools can help you build your keyword list such as Google’s Keyword Planner. It provides insights into search volume and trends, the historical data of keywords, and more importantly, how much it would cost you to bid on specific terms. This information can help you fine-tune and optimize your keyword strategy in the long run.

4. Negative Keywords

While there are target keywords, there are also negative keywords—terms and phrases you want to exclude from your campaigns. This is particularly useful if you’re bidding on broad match and/or modified broad match keywords where you’re more likely to attract some completely irrelevant search queries that match with your ads.

Keep building upon your negative keywords list to keep irrelevant searches from triggering your ad and save money in the process. It can also help increase your ROI by better targeting your ads towards interested users.

5. Ad Text

An ad text is a copy that will appear when a search query triggers your ad, and one of the secrets to writing one that actually gets clicked is by focusing on the end goal. What can users accomplish with your product/service?

As a printing business that offers corporate gifts, your target audience is more likely to search for phrases like “how to promote my business”. Your headline shouldn’t start with “promoting your business?”—besides being obsolete, you already know that they are. Instead, speak to their end goal by providing the solution to what they’re looking to achieve. Write your headline like this: Promotional Gifts for Your Business.

6. Landing Page

The destination URL is the page on your website where you want to direct your PPC traffic. It can be your home page, service page, or blog. However, because of the cost associated with each PPC visitor you attract, you would want to drive them to a dedicated landing page with a lead generation form on it.

Make sure that the landing page is relevant to the search query. As a user, you wouldn’t want to be served an ad about a publication house when you’re searching for a printing business, would you?

In conclusion, a simple account structure should look like this:

Why Campaign Structure Matters

PPC campaigns are designed for targeting users with already an intent to buy. With paid ads, you can target these users—but only if you target them with an ad copy that matches their intent.

Grouping your keywords into relevant themes allows you to write a better campaign. When all the above factors are tied together, you can help improve your quality score, a metric that can help you secure an ad placement in the SERPs and generate leads.

If you’re new to Google Ads, don’t worry! As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we know the strategies that can help you find success with your PPC campaigns.

Get in touch with us today!

Why Businesses Turn to Digital Marketing to Survive COVID-19

By Business, Digital Marketing

Why Businesses Turn to Digital Marketing to Survive COVID-19

Written By Peach Angeles – Martin

Remember how easy it was for us to drop by at a store to test a new product or inquire directly from a sales assistant? Yeah, well, these buying experiences were heavily affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Other pre-pandemic activities under strict observance include: restaurant dining, mall dates, walks in the park, going to the movies, and attending concerts. Anything that is inessential and involves being in a crowd can range from being limited to outright illegal.

This pandemic led us to realize the importance of human interaction. It has brought changes in our routines, particularly in the online landscape. As consumers turned to e-commerce to shop for products and services, businesses adapted to survive the COVID-19 onslaught.

How Digital Marketing Helps Businesses Survive COVID-19

The unprecedented lockdowns and barriers to face-to-face business posed a serious threat that led to the permanent closure of many businesses across various industries. However, the key to survival is adaptability, which led organizations to become more reliant than ever on their digital marketing strategy to tide them over the pandemic and lessen its consequences. Some of the reasons businesses turned to digital marketing include the following:

1. Make products and services available online

With the restricted movement, businesses need to adjust their offerings—make their products and services easily accessible to consumers even while staying at home. It means making online purchases a convenient process and deliveries available, affordable, and preferably contactless.

2. Reduce the impact of retail closures

A 2020 paper revealed that approximately 70.6% of MSMEs in the Philippines were forced to temporarily close due to the pandemic.  Even as the world gradually reopens, numerous businesses may not recover from their losses. However, that may not be the case for companies that resorted to e-commerce to make up for their loss of foot traffic.

3. Take advantage of the growing market space

E-Commerce Online Shopping Plant Sale

E-commerce was already a fast-growing industry even before the pandemic. Online sales are forecasted to account for 4.7% of all retail sales in the Philippines by 2025—up from the 0.5% share in 2015. The pandemic further fueled that growth as consumers discovered the ease and convenience of online shopping.

Being present online gives you the advantage to tap into this growing market over those that rely exclusively on brick-and-mortar sales.

Digital Marketing in the New Normal

The government is gradually lifting restrictions, and businesses are slowly reopening. However, fears of the COVID-19 aren’t going to disappear overnight—people will remain cautious. Many would still prefer shopping online for safety, added savings, selection variety, and convenience.
Getting started with digital marketing will not only help your business survive but also position it to be resilient in the face of a global threat. It provides you with the platform to succeed in the long term, particularly when traditional shopping is restricted. Consumers are already embracing e-commerce with open minds, which has made this shift easier.

Post-COVID Marketing is Hybrid

It’s clear that, moving forward, digital marketing is not an option but rather a necessity for businesses to survive. In-person retail sales may continue to increase as COVID-19 cases decline, but you should expect unprecedented situations that may temporarily accelerate online orders and deliveries.
The key to surviving in today’s unpredictable situation is to operate with an offline-online marketing approach. Your customers will appreciate you for giving them options as to how they would transact with you.

Is Your Business Digitally Resilient?

Digital marketing offers opportunities to build a better normal. As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, we can help make your business resilient during the pandemic. We’ll guide you through your digital transformation journey, so you’ll come out stronger than ever. 

We would be glad to discuss this further with you. Get in touch with us at Createmoto today!

Digital Marketing for Real Estate

By Business

Digital Marketing For Real Estate

More than 70% of today’s buyers search for properties online. No industry is immune to technological advances, the same goes for real estate. Your prospects researches, watches visual tours, assess alternatives and receives notifications for property updates. How you turn your property or condominium into a valuable investment opportunity is the key differentiator.

52% of buyers make realty purchase decisions at the comfort of their homes. Knowing this, we tap on the power of digital to motivate your customers to consider your property in their buying decision process.  Your buyers hate experiencing buyers’ remorse, which is why every digital marketing strategy revolves around creating a higher perceived value on your property.


Search Engine Marketing for Realtors


Today, more than 90% of home buyers use the internet. With so many people searching online for homes, condominium and other properties, content marketing will help every agents to sell more units for every real estate brokers.

  • Increase visitors for your site by creating content for each and every units you are selling
  • Target the right keywords for every property you are selling to lead people searching online directly to your website
  • Use PPC for the most profitable keywords to sell each property faster
  • Connect your site with every property finder online


Social Media Marketing for Realtors


Nurture your audience by creating organic post that will attract prospect buyers to engage with your post for them learn more about the property you are selling. Generate potential leads for your business 24/7.

  • Let your prospect buyers know every scheduled events or open house for each property
  • Generate more hot leads by identifying your client’s interest and behavior to lower your CPA and CPL
  • Invest in videos and images to attract clients to like, share and comments for your post


Is Your Real Estate business ready to run a high conversion campaign?

Let us help you be part of the digital campaign revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

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Digital Marketing for Startup

By Business, Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing For Startup


Have you seen the Netflix Series: Startup?

14% out of 9 of 10 startup failures come from poor marketing. Your business is in tough competition with long-standing companies with millions of equities to burn. How you spend your initial capital wisely is a great challenge.

Digital Marketing helps startups tap targeted customers and reach new clients without breaking the budget. Using the power of digital, focus more on finding ways to get customers knocking on your door. Your digital approach builds your customer’s and client’s journey to help you increase your chances to become a unicorn.

Without effective digital marketing, it doesn’t matter how good your products or services are. 78% of the startups consider funding requirements as their major pain point.


Search Engine Marketing for Startup


How to get as many clients and customers as much as you can handle is not a phenomenon to achieve as long as you have the right contents that will act as your sales machine whenever you’re not around.


  • Whether you like it or not, being the best in your niche is your only hope to excel in the world of business aside from having a good connection.
  • Produce as much content as you can to help nurture your prospective clients in an early stage
  • Invest in the most third-level keywords for your ads (at least 5-10 keywords depending on your budget advertising)


Paid Media Advertising for Startup

As a startup company, you won’t expect clients or customers to respond to your queries unless it is a laser target approach for that specific niche and here’s our cheat sheet to help you consider the best platform for your budget spending:


We know you’re looking for the best strategy, and we’re here to help:

Let us help you be part of the digital campaign revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

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Digital Marketing for Hotels and Resorts

By Business

Digital Marketing For Hotels and Resorts

Build and maintain your hotel and resort’s online presence to be visible to your customers when they’re ready to book!


The customer’s journey for the hotel and resort industry begins with searching for a place to stay in through search engines like google or social media platforms.

Guests are most likely to check hotel and resort photos, reviews and ratings before deciding to stay with you. Research also shows that 40% of consumers prioritize how instagrammable the potential destination is before deciding, and 85% of travelers use mobile devices to book, which means one thing, effective digital marketing strategies for hotels and resorts play a role in revenue generation and can either make or break your business.

Step up your game and use digital marketing to ensure that all channels are used to get the attention and attract your current and potential customers.


Facebook Marketing for Hotel and Resorts


Facebook Ads can give you the chance to show your resort to users in your target audience directly. As a result, lower your CPA and CPL by narrowing your audience interest to get the most out of your budget spending.

  • Reviews and recommendations are the vital keys to a successful campaign
  • Invite your guests to a promotion or challenge to take a selfie or 360-degree photos to increase brand awareness for your business
  • Supplement your digital marketing efforts with nurturing post to help your prospective buyers and turn them into customers


Search Engine Marketing for Hotels and Resorts

Your visitors’ search for the best ranking hotels results from algorithms and the quality of your content. Your potential customers sometimes search for the nearest location, and your hotel should be in the right place.

  • Register your hotel’s address in google map so that your customers can search and give relevant information about your hotel
  • Ensure that your website includes a booking system that will be easier for them to book anytime, anywhere!
  • Speed optimization and having a great server will serve your customers and potential buyers to stay long enough on your website


Tiktok and Instagram for Hotels and Resorts

These additional powerful platforms can generate brand awareness for your hotel and resorts to engage potential and repeat guests.


  • Post authentic, relevant and engaging videos on your channel
  • Invite influencers to reach more potential customers and repeat guests
  • Stay relevant by giving promotions and discounts to your guests


Are Your Hotel and Resorts business ready to run a high conversion campaign?

Let us help you be part of the digital campaign revolution with our digital marketing strategies.

Get a FREE quote today!

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Digital Marketing Agency

From brands to people

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