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Facebook Advertising

9 Benefits of Facebook Advertising For Your Business

By Business, Digital Marketing

9 Benefits of Facebook Advertising For Your Business


With the constantly growing number of restrictions being placed on organic content, Facebook advertising can help your business get more visibility, boost site traffic, and increase conversion rates. It can get your message to the right people seamlessly and with a reach that you wouldn’t accomplish with organic efforts alone.

Advertising on Facebook offers comprehensive ways to target your audience at different stages of the sales funnel. It’s cost-effective yet does wonders in increasing your profitability and visibility online. Continue reading as we break down the benefits of Facebook advertising and why every business should add it to their digital marketing strategy.


Why Should You Use Facebook Advertising?



1. Access to a wide audience




With over 2.9 billion active users worldwide, Facebook gives you access to one of the largest social media audiences today. But, that’s not all, the network also offers an advertising platform that allows you to reach more people beyond your organic social media marketing efforts alone.


2. Cross-promotion capabilities



When Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, it has opened up opportunities to give digital marketers easy access to both platforms. Instagram has enabled you to cross-share posts and Stories to Facebook. You can also create Ad campaigns from the Facebook Ad manager and run them on both sites.


3. Target an exact audience




Facebook offers targeting capabilities with some features you would hardly find elsewhere. You can target based on specific interests, behaviors, demographics—age, gender, income, location, etc. You can even target fans of your competitors. This allows you to tailor your message that resonates with your specific audience, thus increasing your chances of converting them into leads and eventually into sales.


4. Wide range of highly customizable ads



We already mentioned Facebook’s ability to focus your ads towards your segmented audiences, but it gets better: Facebook advertising also offers various types of media content—photos, videos, Stories, Messenger, Carousel, Slideshow, etc. It means you are not limited to some plain text ads and you can be as creative as you can in reaching your audience.

5. Highest ROAS for any social media platform



A 2021 report by HubSpot revealed that Facebook provides marketers with the highest ROI on social media. Over 40% of the surveyed cited the network for giving them the highest return on ad spend, topping any other social media sites—Instagram (30%), and other channels like LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Snapchat that all ranked with less than 10%.


6. Cost-effective



Facebook Ads, including its Ads Manager tool, is freely accessible to all marketers. The only cost you will have to pay for is the cost of running your ads. On average, a Facebook ad costs $0.97 per click (CPC) and $7.19 per 1000 impressions (CPM). It’s way more affordable than traditional advertising, yet it offers some of the best ROI.


7. Set specific goals



With Facebook advertising, you can also set up your campaign objectives—traffic, engagement, video views, lead generation, sign-ups, app downloads, messages, etc. This allows you to optimize your ad for a specific action, whether that be link clicks, page likes, or comments. As for Facebook, it will place your ads in front of people who are likely to take your specified action.


8. Access to valuable insights



Facebook also gives advertisers access to performance insights and valuable data. Each ad you create is measured, allowing you to see things like audience age, gender, locations, devices, and more. It also offers split-testing options that allow you to fine-tune your campaigns by testing and displaying ad variants with specific budgets and with custom audiences. This level of insight and detailed demographic targeting are some of the advantages of Facebook ads, among other advertising networks.


9. Better overall marketing results



Facebook ads get better engagement, more impressions, and more conversions. While organic posts are only shown to users already following your page, paid ads are targeted to people who have not liked your page but have interests and/or demographics that are relevant to your business.


Advertise on Facebook Today



Integrating your paid-marketing efforts into your existing social media campaigns means better success and the opportunity to expand your reach and improve your bottom line.

Discover more benefits of Facebook advertising for your business. Get in touch with us at Createmoto and learn how we can help you leverage Facebook ads to achieve your business goals.



6 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement

By Business, Digital Marketing

6 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement


Think of a social media platform to promote your business, and you’ll almost immediately think of Facebook—and it’s not rocket science to understand why. With over 2.91 billion active users worldwide, this social network is one of the most viable channels to get your brand noticed.

Aside from access to a wide audience, few of the other benefits Facebook offers is the ability to engage with your customers through different content formats using  highly targeted and cost-effective advertising tools. Some of you may not even know these exist.

So, you are armed with a treasure-trove of tools, but are you tech-savvy enough to use them? In this article, we are revealing a few digital marketing tools that will help grow your business. You can find the following tools in Facebook apps, extensions, bots, etc.


Facebook Marketing Tools to Boost Your Engagement



1. Facebook Messenger Marketing




Facebook Messenger is where conversations happen. It’s an effective tool to engage with your audience and influence them to take actions such as buying a product, signing up for a service, booking an appointment, or downloading an app.

Due to its advantages, it has become an essential part of digital marketing strategies. For example, whereas an organic Facebook post can reach only an average of 1-2% of Page fans, Messenger messages have an average open rate of 50-80%, with a 20% average click rate. It’s significantly higher than the 17-28% open rates of email marketing. What’s more, the channel has a conversation rate that’s 3-5x higher than Facebook desktop ads.


2. Facebook Messenger Chatbot




A chatbot is a messaging software application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate natural human conversations. Tools like Heyday, Streamchat, and MobileMonkey allow you to program chatbots to automate tasks, mainly understanding questions and giving instant, pre-set answers.

As consumers expect 24/7 availability, chatbots help you address inquiries and access the information they need, even when you’re away. From a user’s perspective, it allows them to track deliveries, book appointments, and check your policy, among other things. Chatbots have been crucial in providing customers a personalized shopping experience and have contributed greatly in terms of scoring high open rates, click-through rates, and conversation rates.


3. Comment Guard



A comment guard is another Messenger marketing feature that allows you to add contacts commenting on your Facebook post to your list.

It works like this: when you enable comment guard on your organic Facebook post, users who comment on that post will automatically receive a direct message from your page. As soon as they reply to this message, they are then added to your Messenger contact list. It means the comments that you get from your post, this feature converts into warm leads.


4. Click-to-Messenger Ads



A click-to-messenger ad works like a regular Facebook ad—except that instead of sending leads to a landing page, you redirect them to a Messenger bot sequence. You can set up your chatbot to ask qualifying questions that will lead them down the conversion funnel.

It can be difficult and time-consuming to respond to inquiries daily. But, this tool allows you to automate your responses and engage users at a scale. Facebook offers a step-by-step guide on how to leverage this feature.


5. Chat Blaster



What if you want to send mass messages? No problem. Chat blasting is a powerful method for delivering your message to your contact list within minutes—an effective one, to say the least, with a 10x higher open rate as compared to email broadcast.

Most chatbot tools today are equipped with features that allow you to schedule and bulk-send messages—promos, campaigns, etc.—to your list. ZoConvert even gives you the advantage to segment your audiences and customize your message in a way that resonates with them.


6. Messenger Scan Codes



Anyone on Facebook has a unique Messenger Scan Code. It works similarly to any QR code—scan it using the Facebook Messenger app and it will automatically open a Messenger chat.

It works as a great lead generation tool. For example, you can add your scan code to your business cards or your merchandise, and when users scan them, they will be added to your Messenger contact list. These are just one of the many possibilities with this interesting feature.


Uncover More Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools 



You may have noticed that many of the marketing tools above focus on Facebook Messenger. And that’s because this channel offers far more engagement opportunities than an organic Facebook post—yet advertisers have yet to unlock its full potential.

It turns out, there’s more to Facebook than meets the eye. But, working with a digital marketing agency can help you uncover and leverage these features to strengthen your Facebook marketing strategies.

Discover more hidden Facebook marketing tools by getting in touch with us at Createmoto today! 








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