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Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore


Over the past year, digital transformation has accelerated, and it has been a roller coaster ride ever since. 

The social media landscape is evolving rapidly. The “new normal” forced us to adapt and keep up with the unpredictable consumer behavior and radical changes in the business climate.

That’s why, if you want your business to stay afloat and keep your marketing game on point even during the time of the pandemic, your business should not only survive but thrive in the evolving market. So, here are some digital marketing trends that you should take note of :

Adapting AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Businesses that have adopted Artificial Intelligence have grown due to the pandemic. Not only this reduced staffing costs and can be used for an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior and data.

    • Chatbots:
      Since it’s available 24 hours and can answer basic inquiries, forward-thinking businesses have adopted chatbots to easily connect with consumers.
      Chatbots are expected to cut business costs by $8 billion by 2022. (Impactbnd) 

Video marketing

Study shows that in 2020,99% of business used video marketing, and about 92% said it had become an important part of their digital marketing strategy. Moreover, given the statistics, video marketing will continue to dominate in the coming years.  Read more: Video Marketing Trends for 2021

    • Live Streaming:
      Because of the lockdown, human-driven content such as live streams increased to 50%-70%. The study also shows that 80% of consumers prefer watching live videos.
    • TIP: In an interview, Neil Patel mentioned that doing live interviews simultaneously with your partner is a good way for two different audiences to get to know each other and with this content spread much faster.

Take note of Influencer Marketing

Businesses are now paying attention to influencers that resonate most with consumers to build a strong digital presence. Authentic influencer storytelling that speaks their audience’s language makes it easier for the brands they partner with to make an impact there because they already know the platforms well, READ MORE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/01/27/three-emerging-influencer-trends-for-2021/?sh=47fc54461a78

Be there for Micro-Moments

    • Micro-moments is an intent-rich moment where consumers want what they want and are drawn to brands that deliver on their needs. There are four moments where brands should make the most of:
      • I-want-to-know moments
      • I-want-to-go moments
      • I-want-to-do moments
      • I-want-to-buy moments



These trends are just some of the things you should watch out to boost your business, generate impact and take your digital marketing game to the next level! 

Make your business digitally ready to generate leads! Check out our blog for more helpful tips about digital marketing.



Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore This 2021




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