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What is a Good Audience Size for Paid Social Media Ads?


Digital marketing is a complex field—many factors play to its success. Paid social media advertising, for example, is necessary to determine the right size of your audience to yield a good return on investment (ROI).

Audience size is often the most overlooked element in any paid campaign. While your audience should be targeted and clearly defined, it should also be large enough to run the campaign effectively and set it up for performance success. The majority of digital marketing agencies in the Philippines understand that the optimal audience size is based on various factors, including age, gender, interests, locations, and other demographics. They consider the audience characteristics of who is more likely to be interested in what you’re offering. But, what exactly should your ideal target audience be when running an ad campaign?


Paid Audience Size Recommendations for Social Media



Every business is different, so does its audience. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are some recommendations on how big your audience should be when running social media ads.



Minimum: 1,000 individuals to run a campaign 

For starters, Facebook recommends targeting between 1,000 and 50,000 people with your ads and scale from there as you get a better grasp of who your audience is. The platform offers comprehensive targeting options to identify your key audiences—narrow down your audience based on their demographics as well as interest or behavior. Behavioral targeting looks into users’ activities, such as purchase history or pages they like to determine who is the most qualified to show interest in your brand.




Minimum: 300 individuals to run a campaign 

Targeting on LinkedIn is relatively different from other platforms since it is a professional networking channel. It’s common to target people based on what they do professionally and not on what they do personally.

LinkedIn mentioned that the rule of thumb is to keep your target audience over 50,000 for Sponsored Content and Text Ad and 15,000 for Message ads. Limiting your scale can hurt your campaigns, and to err on the side of caution, it is better to cast a wider net initially. You can gradually refine your strategies and focus on the ones that deliver results.





Minimum: 500 individuals to run a campaign 

When you create a new ad campaign on Twitter, you have the option to select your audience. Ideally, you would want to limit your audience size to anywhere under 100,000 users to keep it highly relevant and targeted.

Twitter goes beyond the standard ad campaign capabilities and allows you to target followers based on relevant hashtags, keyword searches, interests, behaviors, demographics, etc., resulting in highly targeted ads and, in return, higher engagement rates.

What is the Best-Working Audience Size on Social Media?



There’s no universal number for ‘enough’ or ‘too much’ with audience size. You can opt for the bare minimum or scale-up immediately to reach a wider audience. It is all a matter of budget, who you are trying to reach with your ads, and ultimately your campaign goals.

You can start small by testing your local market first, but you can also cast the widest possible net for your campaigns to reach as many users as possible. Eventually, when your campaigns have accumulated enough data, you will see insights such as who clicked and converted on your ads. You can use this information to segment your campaigns and hyper-personalize them to increase your engagement and improve your results.




In social media advertising, you can play it safe by targeting the average audience size. A small one would hardly get you anywhere, but targeting a large audience could hurt your campaign’s profitability.

The key to identifying the ideal audience size is by determining who you are targeting, where they are, and how much your budget is. With these guiding factors, work with a digital marketing agency in the Philippines to get the right audience size for your social media ad campaigns.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with us at Createmoto today! 




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